Friday 27 January 2017

Nice day when the Google van went past!

Across the year it's always been 50/50 whether Amy would be under cover or not. For this occasion when the Street view camera went past, she was out on this day. Stored for posterity on Google Street view!

Saturday 14 January 2017


Played around with an early picture with an App today. Trying to get a painting effect. I quite like it, enough to get it printed onto a canvas to go on the wall!

It's also going on a mug as there was a special offer!! Wait to see if the real thing looks ok! It might look rubbish. But will serve as a permanent reminder after Amy is sold later this year.

It was from our first visit to the Camberley Car Show in 2014. I did a few edits like removing the yellow lines and the skylight on next door's roof, just to make it seem "dateless". It could easily have been a painting from 1954 as 2014...

Nb It arrived two days later which was really good. It's printed onto canvas and, although the colours turned out a bit more "orangey" than they appeared in the  picture, the size/quality was spot on. Very happy with it for only £30! It does look like a print of a painting.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Again - to bed

Snow arrived today.  It was forecast along with a cold spell to follow,  so off to bed with Amy for a month or so.