Thursday 11 June 2015

Journey 11th June 2015 (again) - Frog & Wicket

Ok, so got carried away this evening!

Today : Sunny to dusk
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 21° - 17° (evening)
Journey : Frog and Wicket
Distance : 13 miles

So the intention was initially just to drop Izzie off at swimming. Aha - new boring location for a photo that I haven't done so far, Carnival Pool!:

Then, I'd figured Reggie could come out too and take him for a walk. New boring woodland location (so at least tried a different angle with the pic). At Simons Wood:

Finally, I knew where this was leading, because the Frog and Wicket pub had advertised their new Classic Car evenings. Lovely pub, cricket match in progress across the road. Got the wife and kids down too (yes still with Reggie in tow). 

So of course...Photo opportunities galore, been a bit greedy today!

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