Sunday 12 July 2015

Journey 12th July 2015 - White Lion and Go Karting. 2000 miles!

Austin/Morris marque day at White Lion Antiques Classic Car Meets. So it was a no brainer and has been on the calendar for a long time. Only couple of issues with that: Heavy night on the Saturday equaled a very sore head this morning. Compunded by the need to go early, in order to get Robbie to Go Karting on time! Oh .. and the weather was a bit iffy too. But soldiered on and arrived around 8.30, to get an "early bird" spot in the line up.

Today : Partly Cloudy with Occasional Showers
Conditions : Dull, bright, wet and dry!! Typical English summer day
Temp : 18°
Journey : White Lion Antiques, Hartley Whitney and Go Karting, Woodley
Distance : 31 miles

Turning up early got a good entry spot, but considering the time of year and the weather not being THAT awful, would have hoped for some more. But Amy was in good company. She's been next to the aqua Moggy before. Managed to sneak into their website write up page here too.

More cars turned up for the Austin only day in November last year. The field that can just be seen in the background can often be full in nice weather, but today only half the number of cars turned out. So overall it was a bit quiet.

This affected the Austin/Morris contingent's ability to fill the reserved marque spaces and to top it all off it started to rain. This was around the time we needed to leave for Go Karting anyway so no big deal for us, but of course others drifted away then too.

On the way across to Woodley, the tripometer tuned over to 000. This means 2000 miles since the last head gasket replacement.!! So must have done something right that time!

Got Robbie to take a shot whilst driving through Arborfield!

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