Saturday 12 September 2015

Journey (from Hell!) 12th September 2015 - Cobham Heritage Day

Cobham Heritage day today. Second attendance. Beautiful day, me Robbie and Reggie

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Warm and Dry
Temp : 21°
Journey : Cobham
Distance : 62 miles (!!!)

So first things first, Cobham Heritage Day 2015 has a Classic car feature which is jointly run by one of the ACCC chaps. Like to go along as I did last year, and today was no exception. Rain overnight served as my car wash and morning cloud turned to afternoon sun as we drove to Cobham. Reggie came with us as Cobham is quite a relaxed affair on a nice big field. Robbie wasn't fussed about his BMX this time either!

Nice journey, arrived around 11.30, no smoke, unlike last time and a nice day it was indeed.

The Austin Counties Lineup (with a Mini thrown in), and below are two Somerset cousins, my Saloon and a Coupe.

Reggie enjoyed a bit of play (& rested in Amy's cool shade!)

MGB & Somerset. Past meets more recent past!

The journey from hell part began at around 3.00pm. We made a break for home, it was a 50 minute journey so no rush. Huh.... 2 and a half hours later we finally got home. An accident on our route home basically meant that we sat in an hour's traffic queue to get roughly 2 miles. Only to find the queue was caused by an accident on the road we had to take. Diverted to Esher and then followed our noses from there. ONLY TO ARRIVE BACK AT COBHAM!!! An hour and a half to get precisely nowhere!! Aaaagggh!. Turned around went back to Esher and tried again. Hersham, Weybridge, Chertsey and we were fine from there but wow what a journey.

On a positive note though, again Amy coped like a trooper. 1 hour in crawling traffic on a warm afternoon was not fun, but she showed no signs of overheating. The various stints down dual carriageway and a stretch of the 3 lane A3 was eaten up. She basically ran for pretty much the 2 and half hours solid and ended up doing her longest mileage in one day.

So all in all it was still a good day, good fun all round and quite a laugh getting lost. Reggie didnt seem to mind over two hours in the car either :-)

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