Wednesday 8 January 2014

Car at work - 7 No issues / Electronic Ignition

Another year starts, Amy has celebrated her 60th birthday and life gradually returns to normal. Weather has been absolutely atrocious over Christmas and New Year. High winds, heavy rain. Roof tiles ripped off the house, therefore leaky roof and also the house springing leaks in other places too. Still a lot of people / areas of the country far worse off than us, so still should be thankful. Roofers arrived today to fix the tiles, have hopefully sealed the other leaks. Amy has similar issues but has remained dry because she's undercover!

Needless to say, due to that, there have not been too many driving opportunities over that period. Exactly why I got the Citroen and it's done it's job. Done a couple of hundred miles in Becky, which means that Amy has been able to stay undercover throughout all of it.

Today, off to work, first forecasted nice day in ages so it was a no brainer, it's Amy's turn. Off come the covers, start her up (OK - with the aid of carb cleaner again - substitute for Easy Start.. it does the job). Nice uneventful journey to work. Nice. First "car at work" shot of 2014. But I REALLY must stop taking these pictures.

On a separate note, I have ordered and received an electronic ignition conversion kit. New Dizzy, new Coil and new HT Leads. Only £100 and all the write ups seem to indicate it's a good move. Escpecially as I will keep the old working stuff as backup. So just need to decide when to take the plunge and fit that. A bit nervous about it. Also need to plan and fit the new seat covers. Eventually!

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