Sunday 25 May 2014

Somerset at White Lion

The guy that runs White Lion Antiques, as well as an amazing range of antiques, also runs a car meet every two weeks. Classic Cars at White Lion Antiques, Hartley Whitney in Hampshire. Been planning to go along for quite some time, just with one thing and another, plus the weather, just hadn't bothered until today.

First visit, my son and I, was definitely worth the effort! Great turnout and there is always a brief summary of the day on the web link above. Shame that we missed the Austin day which as two weeks previous, but great to have made it today. Lovely sunny day, smooth drive, no issues. And 500 miles up on the CH Gasket!!

Austin, Morris, Triumph and .. DeLorean!!! Nice

And a pretty serious looking Austin Healey!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

ACCC at Brooklands - Nice!

Approx 20 miles each way. Bit apprehensive, but so glad I made it. Met up with the usual crowd, plus other Marques to look at and drool over.

We had an Austin Counties Corner too - good turnout. Good drive. Needed that!!


Tuesday 6 May 2014

Hmmm... Better??

She started ON THE NOSE today. Only fired Amy up and let her warm up and run for a while, just to see any slightest hint of misbehavior. Exact opposite. She started IMMEDIATELY and ran smoothly with no choke after only a couple of minutes.

Perhaps doesn't prove anything. But I'll choose to believe that it is a good sign!

The May ACCC meeting is likely at Brooklands next week. Fully intend to drive there now!

Brakes OK, engine OK, fuel OK(?) Should get there OK - hope so!!

Roll on next Tuesday, we'll see. It will probably rain heavily now!!

Monday 5 May 2014

Or not fuel filter - back out!

Now - could be because I ran the tank a bit low the other day, or the "run" of the pipes after fitting new fuel filter not being suitable. Not sure which. Broke down several times today, managed to limp home with a number of start / stops - fairly sure fuel starvation the culprit.

That's the problem with two potential causes, you don't know which to point at. Too much of a coincidence, wont look for problems elsewhere just yet! The new fuel filter runs steeply upwards and curls back down, so getting airlocks? But also was gunked up with red stuff, probably out of the tank from being run low?

So have removed fuel filter for now and filled tank! Mustn't allow it to run below 1/4, must also re fit fuel filter. Maybe the old one back in place, never had any trouble with that setup even though it was a lash.

Still - makes a change not to be worrying about brakes or head gaskets! So far... nearly 400 miles done now. Hoping to start to forget about CH gasket!

Sunday 4 May 2014

And while I'm at it, finish fuel filter properly

Another early job, that wasn't wrong per se, but never done properly. The lashed up fuel filter was always meant to be replaced some time. Got a nice , glass one that you can see the state of, and clean out as needed. That's better I think!

Brakes OK now - but phew that was a close one!

So last job to get the brakes sorted, hopefully! Final adjustments, re-fit better pair of brake shoes that I still have for now, before getting relining done. Because oh dear - the extent of the wear is evident here:

Ouch.!!! The lining on the lower one was paper thin and just crumbled off to touch! You can see the rivets are worn right down too.

But on a brighrer note, having now bled the system thoroughly, replaced that one set of shoes and adjusted all four corners braking is now the same as I remember when I first bought the car.

So another learning curve, all be it rather a long one since it first started last September!

Haven't done a long-ish journey yet, but fairly confident all is fine now as the brakes don't "pump themselves up" any more.