Sunday 4 May 2014

Brakes OK now - but phew that was a close one!

So last job to get the brakes sorted, hopefully! Final adjustments, re-fit better pair of brake shoes that I still have for now, before getting relining done. Because oh dear - the extent of the wear is evident here:

Ouch.!!! The lining on the lower one was paper thin and just crumbled off to touch! You can see the rivets are worn right down too.

But on a brighrer note, having now bled the system thoroughly, replaced that one set of shoes and adjusted all four corners braking is now the same as I remember when I first bought the car.

So another learning curve, all be it rather a long one since it first started last September!

Haven't done a long-ish journey yet, but fairly confident all is fine now as the brakes don't "pump themselves up" any more.

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