Tuesday 30 December 2014

Minus temperatures drive to Reading Central Pool!

OK, really ummed and ahhed about driving Amy this morning. It was around -7° overnight and only about -4° at 9.30am when it was time to leave for Rob's Diving in Reading. But it was bright, and dry. Probably as ideal driving conditions in that kind of temp that you could ask for. It would be a REAL test and I still feel the need to put her under pressure for some reason.

Again, as with in November, the cover was frozen solid to the roof. Bits of tarp were left in place when I pulled it off - that was a bit of a mistake!! Was already thinking of investing in a proper, breathable cover to replace it anyway, so no big deal just aided the decision along a bit.

Was not hopeful initially though, turnover was REALLY sluggish. Even more so than a couple of days ago due to the temperature being that much colder. It had that real "dead battery" sound, but ye of little faith. Oil pressure came up, few blips on the accelerator after that and she came to life easily again. I don't know why I harbor doubts frankly.

Rob was not impressed, cold car journey to Reading for him. He got over it, but admitted that he was hoping she wouldn't go when he heard me trying to start up. He was happy in a nice warm hoody though, winter motoring 50's style!! The "heater" was just enough to keep the windscreen clear and melt the remaining ice - but that was all you could really ask for.

But she was warmed up and purring along within 10 mins and got us there with no doubts at all. Mandatory location picture, Amy at Diving, Reading Central Pool:

Warmed up to 0° for the journey home mind you! Balmy.

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