Saturday 22 August 2015

Journey 22nd August 2015 - Camberley Car Show

A PERFECT day at Camberley Car Show 2015!!

Today : Sunny, Sunny Sunny!!!
Conditions : Hot, Hot, Hot!
Temp : 16° (morning) - 28° (afternoon)
Journey : Camberley Car Show
Distance : 18 miles

Arrived early to get a decent spot and duly used my free coffee voucher! Sitting on Camberley High Street, enjoying the sun and the view:
 Parked up next to a rather smart VW Camper. The driver of which kindly informed me that I had a brake light out! (Replaced later in the day, there was a handy Halfords in town and it was a standard tail / brake light bulb)
 And it got rather busy. To the other side a rather nice Cobra replica.
 So just tried to take some nice shots of Amy bathing in the sun.
 And a rear shot too!
 Tried to take this shot at last year's show, so why not make a habit of it, very nice reflection.
 And a couple of lineup shots at the end of the day as it was getting quieter. Spent all day there from around 9.00am to 4.30pm. The family and my parents joined me at various points in the day, which was nice.

Rob stayed with me to the end, wanting to get the usual earful of lovely sounding American muscle car engines as they started to leave.
Off home eventually, didn't want to be one of the last hangers on today. We hit 60 mph on the journey back. She soaked it up nicely. Don't want to do that often, but it felt right to give it a whizz today for some reason! Nice.

Friday 21 August 2015

Quick health check

Found myself with a spare hour this morning and it's Camberley Car Show tomorrow, so figured I'd just give Amy a checkup, especially after a small period of rough running on the previous Sunday. Not expecting to find any real problem, but just a little bit of light maintenance perhaps.

Sure enough, compression test on all four pots was perfectly fine, so no issue with gaskets or clearances or anything mechanical.

Had the plugs, dizzy cap and rotor arm off for a decent clean, they were a bit clagged, said light maintenance overdue basically!

So all looking fine and prepared for our second visit to Camberley.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Journey 16th August 2015 - Cranleigh Classic Car Show

First car show in a while, quite a big deal as it was Cranleigh, and that is pretty much where I got Amy from. She was taken there by the previous owner just before I got her in 2013. I missed it last year, as was away at the time. So glad to finally make it this year.

Today : Partially Sunny, Clouding over
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 18°
Journey : Cranleigh Car Show
Distance : 60 miles

Other slightly significant point, this was 30 miles each way, which is the longest one way / return trip I have done since getting her. It was .. erm interesting.

Arrived in good time and joined the half-hour queue to get in! Parked up with with the Austin Counties Car Club, as we had been assigned an area.

It was absolutely huge, when we arrived and did a first walk through it was almost overwhelming, this photo doesnt really convey the scale, but thousands of cars were there it seemed!

We had a walk about a couple of times and then went into town for lunch, that was quite a walk. As before at Cobham, Robbie had his BMX bike with him to get some skatepark time. Expect I was still the only classic with a BMX on board!

Sat down for a bit and had a natter with the ACCC folks, whilst Robbie went around the show himself, then towards the end of the day, we got ourselves the best seats in the house to watch all the cars start to flood out. Rob got plenty of beeps and revs out of people by geeing them up!
We were amongst the last to leave in the end as we got so engrossed. Good day, and very knackered when got home. The largest and to quote Robbie "the best car show we have done so far"

The interesting aspect was how she ran. She purred all the way there at speeds roughly between 25-50 mph. Sat in the queue to get in she got all "lumpy".

On the way home she started off all lumpy and then gradually cleared and purred most of the way again, again between 25-50 mph.

Strange. Women!.. Huh....

Saturday 15 August 2015

Journey - 15th August 2015 - About a bit, MPG

Just petrol,Gymnastics and shops. Just to top up on fuel and oil for Cranleigh car show tomorrow really. Cranleigh is almost back to where I got Amy from almost 2 years ago now, and therefore will be longest journey I'll have done. 60 mile round trip.

Today : Light Cloud
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 20° Journey : Around town
Distance : 10 miles

MPG update : 136 miles since last fill. 5.2 gallons to fill up. 26mpg. Good!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Journey 11th August 2015 - Brooklands ACCC

Missed ACCC last month due to rain. (and I dont really want to do Brooklands in the Mazda) So was determined to go this month and catch up, weather was slated to be OK all day so no problems (hmpfh....!!).

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Dry in the Morning followed by persistent light Rain!
Temp : 15° morning 17° evening
Journey : Brooklands ACCC via Weybridge Station car park!
Distance: 40 miles

Unfortunately at the last moment a meeting with work came up in London that I could not avoid, so had to make different plans to ensure that I still was able to get to ACCC club night too. The answer was pretty simple in the end. Travel to London from Weybridge station. Weybridge station is around the corner from Brooklands, so even if the meetings ran late (which they always do!) then I would still have no problem attending.

It felt a little strange leaving Amy in a car park all day though, not sure why. But I think it is the longest she has been left alone in a strange place for...!!! Oh dear... I need my head testing!

Earliest start too - set off from home at 6.30am, very tired! But it was an enjoyable drive at that time of day, didnt really see any rush hour traffic as I was at the station before 7.30 as planned.

All went like clockwork, meeting overran as expected, but that got me out in time to reach Brooklands at normal time and the only issue was the rain. But by the time it had set in part way through the day, I was committed, so it meant that the rain didn't prevent me going this time.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Journey 9th August 2015 - Go Karting

Weather nice again, now't else to say!

Today : Light Cloud
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 20°
Journey : Woodley and back
Distance : 12 miles

Thursday 6 August 2015

Journey 6th August 2015 - Dog Walk

Weather nice, lunchtime dog walk today. First run out for over two weeks due to being away and weather, so good to get the pistons going. No problems at all.

Today : Partly Cloudy
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 21°
Journey : Round about way to Heathlake and back
Distance : 10 miles