Tuesday 11 August 2015

Journey 11th August 2015 - Brooklands ACCC

Missed ACCC last month due to rain. (and I dont really want to do Brooklands in the Mazda) So was determined to go this month and catch up, weather was slated to be OK all day so no problems (hmpfh....!!).

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Dry in the Morning followed by persistent light Rain!
Temp : 15° morning 17° evening
Journey : Brooklands ACCC via Weybridge Station car park!
Distance: 40 miles

Unfortunately at the last moment a meeting with work came up in London that I could not avoid, so had to make different plans to ensure that I still was able to get to ACCC club night too. The answer was pretty simple in the end. Travel to London from Weybridge station. Weybridge station is around the corner from Brooklands, so even if the meetings ran late (which they always do!) then I would still have no problem attending.

It felt a little strange leaving Amy in a car park all day though, not sure why. But I think it is the longest she has been left alone in a strange place for...!!! Oh dear... I need my head testing!

Earliest start too - set off from home at 6.30am, very tired! But it was an enjoyable drive at that time of day, didnt really see any rush hour traffic as I was at the station before 7.30 as planned.

All went like clockwork, meeting overran as expected, but that got me out in time to reach Brooklands at normal time and the only issue was the rain. But by the time it had set in part way through the day, I was committed, so it meant that the rain didn't prevent me going this time.

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