Saturday 10 October 2015

Journey 10th October 2015 - Thatcham Classic Car Show

Have been meaning to go to Thatcham since I got Amy. First year was too soon and in the middle of engine problems that I had at the time. 2014 was a clash with something, but made it this year. Last show of the season. Maybe one last visit to White Lion after this.

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Chilly to mild, dull but dry
Temp : 8° (morning) - 14° (afternoon)
Journey : Thatcham
Distance : 50 miles

Not much to say. Good journey there down some fast country roads. Didn't miss a beat there or back which is good. Probably around 500 cars I'd guess. Ranging from a 20's model T Ford to a '56 Plate Mini Cooper. A beaten up Suzuki Jeep to an immaculate Aston Martin Superleggera.

Some pics. Weather not so great, but dry. Good company and mandatory Costa part way through.

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