Sunday 20 December 2015

Shopping and dog walking trip - Sunshine and Rain!

Started off a nice day, forecast said sunshine and clouds all day and rain returning Monday, so possibly a last drive before Christmas was on the cards. Family day out - well three of us and Reggie anyway.

Today : Cloudy, Heavy Rain, Cloudy
Conditions : VERY Mild for December - but unexpectedly wet!
Temp : 12°
Journey : Farnborough
Distance : 24 miles

All started to plan until around 1.30, when it started to rain a bit. It died off again so didnt think too much of it, but by the time we had visited the shops, had a coffee and got to the park to walk the dog, then heavens opened on us mid-walk. First visit to Queen Elizabeth Park in Farnborough - so new picture in a generic woods setting. We got back to the car slightly muddy, very wet and me wondering if i had made a mistake bringing Amy out after all.

Windscreen wipers (smearers) on, heater (window warmer) on, extra air vent open and quarter lights open too!!. Ah the mod cons of the 50's!! They kept the windscreen clear enough inside an out to make a safe journey home!

During which the weather cleared, the sun came out and we gave the dog the rest of his walk at Ambarrow Court.

Amy just needed a light rub down when we got home and she's now back undercover, no worse for the expercience! Very pleasureable and quite fun in the end. I will need to clean the mud out of her interior on he next outing, but messy inside but better that than being wrapped up in cotton wool and not driven.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

ACCC Christmas Dinner!

Christmas meal at the Kingfisher. Nice food, nice drink, good company. Oh and a dry night and following morning so I could easily justify getting Amy out for a spin.

Today : Clear Evening
Conditions : Mild for December
Temp : 8°
Journey : Kingfisher on the Quays, Mytchett
Distance : 21 miles

Friday 4 December 2015

Journey 4th December 2015 - Work

What with the weekend weather being mostly atrocious, being busy at work it's been over two weeks of wet, wild, windy conditions and no sensible opportunities to drive Amy in over two weeks, I kind of like the fact that I still get the jitters when I haven't driven her for a while. But unlike the early days it's not a negative thing. I had no doubts whatsoever that I would have any problem. A squirt of EasyStart at the worst was my thinking. Didn't even need that!

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry
Temp : 7° - 11°
Journey : Work and back with a couple of stops
Distance : 17 miles

Just noticed though - only ONE drive in the whole of November! No matter.