Friday 4 December 2015

Journey 4th December 2015 - Work

What with the weekend weather being mostly atrocious, being busy at work it's been over two weeks of wet, wild, windy conditions and no sensible opportunities to drive Amy in over two weeks, I kind of like the fact that I still get the jitters when I haven't driven her for a while. But unlike the early days it's not a negative thing. I had no doubts whatsoever that I would have any problem. A squirt of EasyStart at the worst was my thinking. Didn't even need that!

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry
Temp : 7° - 11°
Journey : Work and back with a couple of stops
Distance : 17 miles

Just noticed though - only ONE drive in the whole of November! No matter.

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