Saturday 30 April 2016

On the road again. New Friend on the driveway

This time  the layoff had nothing  to do with Amy or the weather, I just wasn't able to drive at all for a couple of weeks. So first weekend drive for quite some time, nice weather for it. She struggled starting this time, but I think it was only fuel still. Took a whole to draw through and she has been subjected to wind, rain and frosts for a few weeks, so let her off!! Ran fine and re-started fine for rest of day. Lot of small journeys here and there, just for the sake of it.

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry, occasional spot of Rain
Temp : 12°
Journey : Around and about a bit
Distance : 15 miles

Amy also has a new grand-daughter to look after, the wife upgraded to the latest, rather more aggressive looking edition of her Sportage.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


This is like back to the start, any excuse to drive. Nice sunny morning, weather supposed to hold until Thurs at least, so out she comes again, albeit for only a jaunt to work!

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry
Temp : 8° - 13°
Journey : Work
Distance : 5 miles

Sunday 3 April 2016

Go Karting - and more miles for no reason!

And straight back to normal. Washed her down as it had rained overnight and I left her out delierately to give her a wash down. Looking clean and shiny again. Journey was Woodley Go-karting run and since the weather was so nice, did an extra 10 miles of around and about just for the heck of it.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Dry
Temp : 15°
Journey : Woodley and back and around and about
Distance : 23 miles

Back under cover for a few days on and off rain..

Saturday 2 April 2016

Home again!

A little bit overdue, some nice weather has passed, but also some right rubbish too. Retrieved Amy from her winter hibernation today and she's back on the driveway looking nice and shiny and none the worse for the experience! And a few miles for no reason too, feels great to be behind the wheel again.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Dry
Temp : 12°
Journey : return from Finchampstead and around a bit
Distance : 17 miles