Saturday 30 April 2016

On the road again. New Friend on the driveway

This time  the layoff had nothing  to do with Amy or the weather, I just wasn't able to drive at all for a couple of weeks. So first weekend drive for quite some time, nice weather for it. She struggled starting this time, but I think it was only fuel still. Took a whole to draw through and she has been subjected to wind, rain and frosts for a few weeks, so let her off!! Ran fine and re-started fine for rest of day. Lot of small journeys here and there, just for the sake of it.

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry, occasional spot of Rain
Temp : 12°
Journey : Around and about a bit
Distance : 15 miles

Amy also has a new grand-daughter to look after, the wife upgraded to the latest, rather more aggressive looking edition of her Sportage.

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