Sunday 15 May 2016

Contemporary Ford Prefect in the car park

Having mentioned not posting much anymore, I considered Woodley car park to be notable today.

A 1960 Ford Prefect was parked just across from Amy, and we were able to park a row away to just about enable me to get them both in shot!

It's a bit different to being at a car show, you expect classics everywhere, but nice to see cars out and about on everyday business.

This weather, brings "us" all out!

Nice weekend - slow blog back down

Nice few days, got a fair few miles in this weekend with Gym runs, Go karting, popping to the shops, grabbing a takeaway etc. All stuff done before, nothing really notable except that it is all very pleasant.

I enjoy the camaradery of car enthusiasts too, have nodded and chatted with a fair few this weekend because "we" all have the same idea to get our  cars out in this weather!

But since I have now logged a year's worth of journeys and noted varying MPGs I'm limiting this blog to notable stuff from now on. The last tank did around 20mpg. Good enough. Ill just mention shows, club meets, issues and other stuff that I think is worthy. But not just every little trip.

That means this blog becomes a pretty quiet backwater from now on. I guess just a few entries, especially as not too much planned this year.

Friday 13 May 2016


8 miles.

Reluctant to just do work journeys these days, as of course it's not really good for her doing 2.5 miles one way then a few more the other. On the other hand though, does it matter too much? There to be driven and on nice days should be getting her out as much as I can!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Brooklands ACCC night - wet!!!

40 miles. Very wet drive, but first time in ages. Rob came with me too. Caught up with the Austin crew. Pretty much only Austineers braved the weather. The Rover is the new car owned by the guy I bought my Somerset from, so he counts!!!

Sunday 1 May 2016

Another "Few" miles

Normal stuff, Gym run, Go Karting but also went for a jaunt.

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry
Temp : 12°
Journey : Around and about a bit
Distance : 29 miles

One of the spark plugs has got cokeed up, so I did get a bit of rough running for a bit, but cleaned it up and back to normal. I have never managed to get the spark plugs to that healthy light chocolate state that they should be in, but she runs lovely and just needs attention every now and then, so I'll not worry about it!