Monday 14 April 2014

Brakes - finally working on them

OK, one of the first major jobs I did on Amy was to replace the master cylinder. The original gave up the ghost within 3 weeks of having the car. No real problem with that, the car hadn't been used much at all for the previous 6 years and suddenly she was getting a hammering. I sourced a brand new replacement and fitted it back in Sept.

I'll quote my thoughts at the time:

"But that screw up has done me a partial favour. With the master cylinder now full, the onward supply pipes also being full due to capillary action and the vacuum of the pipes keeping the original (very clear and clean) brake fluid in. The flow of brake fluid out of the compression union WHILST I was connecting it has meant that I have essentially a full system once more, with only minor air bubbles at best. So figured to give her a try."

I have been driving her like that ever since, and something felt a little wrong for quite a while the brakes always felt like they were gradually applying "themselves", but it was only the journey to Brooklands that highlighted the issue - being almost locked on by the time we arrived.

So couple of issues in play here:

Firstly the brakes locking up, after some advise from some of my invaluable ACCC friends, it was apparent that I had adjusted the master cyinder piston / pedal too tight. Thus not coming back far enough to release the pressure as the system warmed up - causing the brakes to lock on. Fine for Reading / Ash Vale, you'd just about notice it then, but NOT for anything further. Easily fixed by adjusting back far enough - so you can just feel a few mm of free play. Done that. Easy.

Secondly, there is more air in the system from my effort of fitting the new cylinder than I realised at the time and my over adjustment had merely compensated for that and masked it, due to my inexperience.

So now first press of the pedal does next to nothing! Three pumps of the pedal and they work fine, which does indicate air in the system. But now I need to bleed the brakes properly!! Amateur!.. Sheesh...Too dangerous to drive but need to get it done at earliest opportunity. But as at least one of the bleed nipples are seized, I need to get wheels off again to do itand that is bizarrely a two man job!

Front near side undoes fine after a couple of sprays of penetrating oil. Hoping that the rear two will come with the wheels off giving the right angle of access. They are also soaking. Just worried about the offside front. Seems jammed fast.That was the one that seemed old compared to the rest. We'll see.

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