Friday 13 June 2014

Ongoing maintenance

Felt a bit "iffy" after Brooklands, just a bit more juddery, slightly poor tickover and could detect faint whistle was back. Before panicking, did some cursory checks. plugs, compression, water.. All looking reasonably OK. Considering the whistle aspect I took a spanner to the manifold bolts and sure enough, needed a bit of tightening!! Don't know why I should be surprised. Bottom line, "iffyness" gone again, whistle gone again. (And the exhaust manifold repair holding up fine)

Cleaned out carb bowl and fuel pump whilst at it, not much residue, so not too worried about the fact I haven't re-fitted the fuel filter yet .

In this weather she is my daily driver :-) over 600 miles since last CH gasket... Won't let that go until probably another 600 miles done..!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Another great drive / evening at Brooklands

Having never EVER been to Brooklands at all in my entire life up until this year, have been three times now since March! Again meeting up with ACCC was the primary reason, but it is kind of cool parking up at the club house amongst a wide range of contemporaries.

From the back, A35, (a Minor tucked in), A40 Somerset, A40 Somerset Coupe, MY A40 Somerset, an MG (TC?), A70 Hereford, A90 Atlantic. Bar the interlopers, Counties cars in ascending numerical order!

First look at an Atlantic in real life too. What an amazing car. As with the Hereford next to it in the above picture it is a large vehicle, couldn't really grasp that from pictures. Really really nice. Nicer shot of the Coupe in the lineup below. That one has only just been resprayed and re-chromed and it is mint.

Monday 2 June 2014

Beetle pic

Off topic, but it's my blog! Digging through old photos today. My first car - 1972 1200 Beetle. After respray, probably when it was at it's best. The start of it all I guess... With hindsight, would have benefited from manual choke, even after I had a 1600 van engine put in!! But apart from that, was sound as a pound. Did countless meets in her. Was at the first EVER Bug Jam at Santa Pod in '87, pretty sure was there in '88 as well, Stonor, Malvern I think. Peppercorn rings a bell - no idea where that was. Convoy down to Worthing. Seemed like forever at the time, but think only ran her for a couple of years. Three perhaps. Never did run to the sun though. Great memories! Late 1985 to Late 1988 I think.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Rear indicator - Flying A

Regular check of bulbs showed rear nearside indicator bulb had blown. Have a whole box of those, so no big deal. Whilst at it, finally fitted the matching rear indicator lens, so that they are at least the same type. The lens came with the car, and the mis match lenses have been in place since the old pictures I found of Amy, so have been in place that way around at least 8 years! OK the colour shade is different, but style the same. Might buy replacements for a PERFECT match one day.  Point being - quite glad that I am interested in such details again, rather than whether she actually WORKS or not!!

Attempted arty farty shot of Amy's Flying A whilst at it.

Nothing else to report, relaxing weekend with nice weather. Amy took me to work on Friday, drove around here there and everywhere on Saturday and took the whole family out for lunch with friends on Sunday. And back to bed Sunday night for expected rain for half the coming week!!