Sunday 1 June 2014

Rear indicator - Flying A

Regular check of bulbs showed rear nearside indicator bulb had blown. Have a whole box of those, so no big deal. Whilst at it, finally fitted the matching rear indicator lens, so that they are at least the same type. The lens came with the car, and the mis match lenses have been in place since the old pictures I found of Amy, so have been in place that way around at least 8 years! OK the colour shade is different, but style the same. Might buy replacements for a PERFECT match one day.  Point being - quite glad that I am interested in such details again, rather than whether she actually WORKS or not!!

Attempted arty farty shot of Amy's Flying A whilst at it.

Nothing else to report, relaxing weekend with nice weather. Amy took me to work on Friday, drove around here there and everywhere on Saturday and took the whole family out for lunch with friends on Sunday. And back to bed Sunday night for expected rain for half the coming week!!

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