Friday 29 August 2014

Three big milestones

This week is quite a noteworthy one for three reasons:

1. I have had Amy for a year now, as of the 25th August, so Happy Anniversary ?!!
    (This Blog has been up and running exactly a year today)

2. 999 miles up on the last Head gasket replacement, just as I pulled into the pub car park!

I promised myself that I will now stop worrying about the head gasket.
To be fair, it hasn't really bothered me all summer, so happy about that.
(but I am leaving the thermostat OUT!!)
3. Attendance to our first proper, pre registered, classic car show is tomorrow at the 3rd Camberley Car Show
So bound to be a few pictures forthcoming from that!

(Austin / Morris day at Brooklands was kind of proper, but I just turned up to that, so the Camberley one is the first where I have put her up for it in advance - minor point, but would not have had the confidence earlier in the year to commit)

Looking forward to that, with the tinge of worry about how we will fare THIS winter as the days shorten!!

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