Wednesday 22 April 2015

Journey 22nd April 2015 - Work

We've had some lovely dry weather for quite a while. Nigh on 2 weeks in fact. Amy's been driven a fair bit and in between times just sat on the driveway happily uncovered, getting some sun and air! That's all all looking to change soon, so today was just a simple to and from work Amy day whilst it's still nice. Medium term weather indicates clouds rolling in and showers on and off pretty much all the way to the first week of May, so she'll be back undercover for a while!

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Bright but damp
Temp : 7° (morning) - 14° (afternoon)
Journey : Just to work, lunch and then back
Distance : 9 miles

Monday 20 April 2015

And Flying "A" replaced

Another one of those simple jobs that just hadn't got around to, finally done thanks to light evenings.

Thankfully, apart from nearly losing the lock washer that holds the narrow end in place, this job WAS simple too. Have had a replacement bonnet trim and Flying "A" for a good 6-9 months, to replace the one I stupidly broke the end of.

Old "stubby", with my rather unfortunate modification.

Overdue. Replaced. Nice.

Journey 20th April 2015 - Just Walkin' the Dog

Lunchtime, lovely day to walk Reggie, seeing as it's my responsibility on a Monday. Another definite Amy day too.

Conditions: Sunny, warm, clear blue skies
Temp : 17°
Journey : Englemere Pond and Lily Hill Park
Distance: 13 miles

Always looking out for new places to walk the dog, which means that if I've gone in Amy, then also new places to picture her. Admittedly those pictures are often going to be dull snaps at indeterminate woodland car parks. But shows the weather for what it was!

First shot above is at Englemere Pond. Yep, nice place, but just a photo in boring woodland car park! Amy looks a bit strange and elongated in this shot. Angles can do funny things with pictures of her sometimes. This earlier picture of her in winter also made her look different and larger/longer somehow.

The next picture felt like it was good for the Black and White treatment. I don't really know why. I like it anyway.

Plus another "standard" front end shot. At Lily Hill Park:

Friday 17 April 2015

Journey 17th April 2015 - Three Frogs

Lunchtime, lovely day, not very far, hardly worth warming the engine up, but definitely an Amy day.

Conditions: Sunny, patchy cloud, warmish with fresh breezes
Temp : 13°
Journey : The Three Frogs plus a bit!
Distance: 3.5 miles

The "plus a bit" was just Petrol Station / Roundabout / Coppid Beech. Filled to the brim. Should be able to check if fuel line is finally properly fixed under the pressure of a really full tank. Should hopefully be done, at worst maybe jubilee clips maybe need tightening, but hoping not even that.

Also side lights fixed. Just a loose connection in the engine bay. Just fiddled a bit and done.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Journey 14th April 2015 - ACCC Meeting. Hereford brake cylinders for sure

April ACCC night. Last one at the Swan already. The months go by fast, back to Brooklands next month!

Today : Warm, Bright and Clear
Conditions: Nighttime, becoming fresh
Temp : 15° dropping to 10°
Journey : The Swan, Ash Vale
Distance: 28 miles

Was able to drive Amy after all, longest journey after fixing the brakes, conscientious checks on arrival just to be sure,  but all is fine.

The debate about the cylinders was completely closed off, some example components had been brought along by a couple of the others. A Hereford cylinder sat next to a Somerset cylinder look EXACTLY the same from the outside. Same design, same outer dimensions. Same component basically, only difference is the wider bore on the inside. You can clearly see that the cylinder wall is thicker on the Somerset vs. the Hereford.

Was not something even the long time enthusiasts were aware of, so was not only an interesting thing for me to learn, but also a surprise to the other chaps too!

Only outstanding question is whether I have matching cylinders at the rear, or whether the offside one is a pure Somerset cylinder! It may be a while until I find out, because I am not THAT interested in finding out that I'm going to rush out and dismantle things just to check.

One likely final note about the fuel line, I only topped up a little petrol, until I have finally rechecked the fuel line is a-OK, but expect all is fine and will fill to the brim next time around!

Minor niggle, I now have a side light out, and it;s not the bulb. So I need to work out where the disconnect is there and fix that, but no great shakes.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Journey 11th April 2015 - Around town. Brakes finished

Worked out the brakes were probably a bit iffy due to the springs being the wrong way around. One was shorter than the other so it could make the difference. Swapped them over so the shorter spring (and hence stronger pull) is now on the cylinder / handbrake side. MAYBE I'd fitted the adjusters incorrectly the first time too,although not totally convinced on that one. I refitted a spare set of shoes that I had that were in better condition than originals, readjusted and then some test drives again.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Fresh, bright and dry
Temp : 12°
Journey : Around a bit and Tescos
Distance: 15 miles

After some driving about all is fine again. The Handbrake had seemed a bit funny too, but with the replacement shoes refitted, greased up and done 100% correctly for sure, then all is good. So back to full working order, and I know I need Hereford seals.

At the same time, today was a lovely sunny day, just right for driving Amy about. Did the gymnastics run and off to get some shopping and realised hadnt taken a photo at Tescos yet. So today's dreary location picture is there!

Friday 10 April 2015

And Kebab.....!

A few extra miles this evening to do the Kebab run! Added those miles to the journey post previous. Probably the LEAST evocative location she'll be pictured at, but all part of the experience!

Journey 10th April 2015 - Around town. Seals, fuel line

Just another tentative, but slightly longer drive around and about. Cup of tea visiting parents over lunch, just to double check all is still well. No brake fluid leak apparent. Could sit on driveway pumping brakes hard to check that properly, but did enough of that to be fairly confident. Short bursts in real driving conditions to make me develop a bit of extra confidence.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Warm, bright and dry
Temp : 20°
Journey : Around a bit and kebab run later!
Distance: 17 miles

Need to whip the brakes off again just to check, because they seem a bit tight, but nothing drastic, just as if you have left the handbrake on slightly, so I may have knocked the adjusters out maybe?

Turns out that it is likely that I have Hereford cylinders in the rear. Somerset cylinder bore is 7/8" and the seals I was provided with were perfectly correct, but the cylinders I have are 1" bore. So not standard for the Somerset, but at least I know. The company are kindly sending me a Hereford set for future use anyway.

Not to spoil the habit of a lifetime, all my jobs seem to need doing at least twice! The replacement fuel line still leaked, I knew it wasnt quite as far home as I wanted and it was an old length I had knocking around and had gone a bit stiff. So ordered a new piece and refitted (with ease this time) That seems to have finally done the job there too.

Friday 3 April 2015

Rear fuel leak done - fun and games

Why on earth I expect things to ever be simple I don't know!! I was so confident about this "small" job I actually took a couple of pictures along the way. Simple quickly turned to mush as usual.

But anyway, the leak is clear, if a little difficult to picture from under the car:

Even with approx half a tank of petrol I was prepared. Extract the fuel line from the perished hose and quickly insert some dowel into the hose. Fit the new piece of hose to the fuel line, then complete the job by removing the old hose completely and refitting the new piece. Couple of quick swapovers, minimal leakage. In theory!

Hahahaha.. should have known better.

First step was easy. And the replacement hose was quickly on. First problem, in the process of doing that, the vacuum seal must have broken on the fuel line and I got a face full of petrol as it leaked back and out of the new piece! I forgot about the fuel that would be there. No problem at this stage. A small drip from the fuel tank from the perished hose, but all ready to go with stage 2, so was able to go and wash off with no panic.

The next bit was the killer. Pulled off the old hose and went to reconnect with the newly fitted piece that was now attached to the fuel line. Jubilee clips ready to tighten. The outflow pipe from the tank is BIGGER. The new hose wont fit!!!. Petrol pouring out, cant see the old hose to hand!! Found it quite quickly, re-fitted temporarily. Back to a small drip. But clear that I cant just re-fit the new hose as-is.

It was clear that I needed a larger bore at the fuel tank end. Easily remedied, the new hose is quite thick, so basically scraped it out to larger size needed:

So from there, it was back to plan A. Had to hope the bore was now large enough and had a bowl of boiling water to make the hose a bit more maleable.

Went on fine (another BAD photo) and the state of the original piece now clear to see::

Re primed the fuel pump, started up the car and ran it for a while. Will keep a watch, but expect that is now fixed. Just want to warm the hose up again and push it right home in due course. But I'll know what to expect next time.