Friday 10 April 2015

Journey 10th April 2015 - Around town. Seals, fuel line

Just another tentative, but slightly longer drive around and about. Cup of tea visiting parents over lunch, just to double check all is still well. No brake fluid leak apparent. Could sit on driveway pumping brakes hard to check that properly, but did enough of that to be fairly confident. Short bursts in real driving conditions to make me develop a bit of extra confidence.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Warm, bright and dry
Temp : 20°
Journey : Around a bit and kebab run later!
Distance: 17 miles

Need to whip the brakes off again just to check, because they seem a bit tight, but nothing drastic, just as if you have left the handbrake on slightly, so I may have knocked the adjusters out maybe?

Turns out that it is likely that I have Hereford cylinders in the rear. Somerset cylinder bore is 7/8" and the seals I was provided with were perfectly correct, but the cylinders I have are 1" bore. So not standard for the Somerset, but at least I know. The company are kindly sending me a Hereford set for future use anyway.

Not to spoil the habit of a lifetime, all my jobs seem to need doing at least twice! The replacement fuel line still leaked, I knew it wasnt quite as far home as I wanted and it was an old length I had knocking around and had gone a bit stiff. So ordered a new piece and refitted (with ease this time) That seems to have finally done the job there too.

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