Saturday 11 April 2015

Journey 11th April 2015 - Around town. Brakes finished

Worked out the brakes were probably a bit iffy due to the springs being the wrong way around. One was shorter than the other so it could make the difference. Swapped them over so the shorter spring (and hence stronger pull) is now on the cylinder / handbrake side. MAYBE I'd fitted the adjusters incorrectly the first time too,although not totally convinced on that one. I refitted a spare set of shoes that I had that were in better condition than originals, readjusted and then some test drives again.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Fresh, bright and dry
Temp : 12°
Journey : Around a bit and Tescos
Distance: 15 miles

After some driving about all is fine again. The Handbrake had seemed a bit funny too, but with the replacement shoes refitted, greased up and done 100% correctly for sure, then all is good. So back to full working order, and I know I need Hereford seals.

At the same time, today was a lovely sunny day, just right for driving Amy about. Did the gymnastics run and off to get some shopping and realised hadnt taken a photo at Tescos yet. So today's dreary location picture is there!

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