Friday 12 June 2015

Journey 12th June 2015 - Work and about

Just to work again, home via a dog walk in Bracknell (Jocks Lane) and Wokingham for a coffee! Rain today, but will soften the dirt as Amy needs a wash anyway, so given her the once over this evening to get her basically clean and will buff up tomorrow when it has stopped again!

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Mostly dry, but some showers
Temp : 14° (morning) - 22° (afternoon)
Journey : Just to work and back with some around and about.
Distance : 9 miles

Yet another dull dog walk location, with the wife's car next door this time. Kind of a car's grab a granny night. 1 (and a half) year old Kia sidled up to my 61 (and a half!) year old Austin. 60 years is just too much of a gap in any relationship. It just won't work.

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