Monday 22 June 2015

Journey 22nd June 2015 - To bed for a bit

After the MPG test, it was suggested that Amy could still have a petrol leak. Visually there is nothing to suggest this, but the last leak was only identified when I tried to put her to bed for the Winter earlier this year. So just tucking her up for a week in the garage to see if there is any smell to indicate a continuing leak. Hoping not to be honest. But it'll be a fair test. And it will still leave me the question of why the consumption is so bad. This tankful seems to be doing better, but reserving judgement.

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Mild with Heavy Rain!
Temp : 14°
Journey : Parents House
Distance: 6 miles

The weather was SUPPOSED to be clear. Half way there it tipped down! But was dry and bright again later, so by the time we drove her into the garage she was warm and dry.

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