Thursday 21 November 2013

Conclusion about cars

Strangely, I have come to a conclusion about the car. After stating that I was perhaps over confident about Amy's reliability, and that I was considering selling the Nissan I have kind of changed my mind. Amy is proving very reliable. Starting reasonably well on Icy mornings. Ticking over OK with no choke after warmed up. (still a bit lumpy, but acceptable).

The thermostat seemed to not open the other day, as the temperature gauage didn't climb. Lots of gurgling sucking noises from the engine bay, but that seemed to go away again.

But either way, despite the seeming reliability, the conclusion I have made is to get a small modern runaround in place of the Nissan. Nothing to do with reliability. I cannot bring myself to drive her / leave her out in the pouring rain. I will not be able to face driving her on the salty, gritty roads in winter. She will just ROT if I do that.

So actually feeling very happy about that conclusion.

Buy little cheap runaround. Sell Nissan. Hopefully a zero net cost transaction.

Then lower tax, insurance, fuel consumption. Small car on the driveway that I can get out even around the wife's car when needed.

No pressure. Happy :-)

Realistically Amy is a fair weather car and should treat her as such.

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