Saturday 22 February 2014

And here we go again!

Head off AGAIN. absolutely confirmed expectation. Same problem, although I now have ANOTHER problem that the manifold has cracked.

It must have happened a while ago, as the faces of the crack are BLACK from exhaust fumes. No issue on inlet manifold, hence I suppose that's why she still seemed to run fine. Will do a repair on that for now.

Also oil in pots.. BUT reason is obvious (no other issue with the gasket this time).. Valve stem seal issue for sure, as mentioned in a previous post.

Definitely valve stem seals. Took them all out, some valves were dripping with oil!!  Hopefully the result is shown clearly in the pics. All the seals were all mashed to some degree, some worse than others. So they have all been replaced, can't believe it was as simple as lubricating them before fitting.. duh .. I feel really stupid about that. So head is ready to go back on. Just awaiting the gasket. Had the patience to take a few pics this time.


Monday 17 February 2014

Oh dear .. AGAIN!!

Should NEVER feel more settled about things!! I was hoping this post was going to be a jolly affair. Went down to visit parents for the first time since Christmas, plus the weather on Sunday 16th Feb was lovely. Perfect opportunity to get Amy out for a bit of a longer run.

Everything went to plan up to a point. She ran very smoothly all the way there. (mostly lane driving, about a mile and a half run on a main road where she gets opened up to 50mph and then back to lanes) Arrived very nicely, very little oil in the water remaining now, so all good. Very very smooth.

Weather held out, as it was forecasted to,and drove home in the sun, but could sense a loss of power in the last 5 miles or so. It was noticeable to me and the wife, and there was a faint noise that I recognised. But she soldiered on without too much trouble. Cruising was as smooth as ever. So it didn't spoil the journey.

But I was fairly sure what to expect, sure enough, when home. 2 & 3 cylinders down to half compression. Don't need to take the head off to know what has happened! The classic A40 problem strikes again!! At least after over 300 miles this time!!

So anyway, I have ordered new valve stem seals and a new manifold gasket from the club.

I have ordered a replacement, handmade, reinforced HEAD gasket that a couple of the other chaps have and swear by. So head gasket replacement number 3 coming up, when the bits arrive.

Target is 9th March for the Brooklands Austin / Morris day. Just depends on how quick a turnaround on receiving parts.

Bothered, yes of course, rather it had lasted!! But worried? Still not really as it is a known problem. I heard stories from others of the same problem with standard gaskets, so at this stage, this reinforced one should sort out my problem.. for longer than a couple of months at least!!! Maybe the original head gasket in the car when I got it was one of these reinforced ones, because she did a fair few hundred miles in the first place, the original problem was a burnt valve - NOT the head gasket.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

ACCC - longer journey

Meet up with the local club guys once a month, it's one of the longer journey's I do in Amy. Only 25 mile round trip, but didn't do it last month due to heavy rain.

By some miracle, this month it was dry on the Tuesday afternoon / evening. So a nice run to get under belt, warmed her up first before setting off to ensure thermostat DID open up. Enjoyed a couple of nice pints and a bit of chat as usual.

Very pleasant drive, the headlights stayed on as well. Bonus!!

Touch wood, have had two months problem-free driving, albeit at much reduced mileage due to one thing and another. But feeling far more settled about it.

Heavy rain forecast AGAIN today, so Becky is out again, she was supposed to be the backup car, but has been used far more over Dec / Jan, due to the weather. Good little runaround though.

Brooklands Austin/Morris day on Sun 9th March. Pencil that in!!

Monday 10 February 2014

Oil fading - good. Valve stem seals ?.. Seats??

The emulsion is dwindling, will probably still whip out the thermostat to inspect a bit closer and clean it up, there's bound to be some sludgy deposits in and around it, but also the lower temp (I put a 75 degree one back in, not the original 88 one) makes me feel safer. Mostly short journeys just in case, but the temp needle has come up after around 5 mins in each case.

Still, the positioning of the temp sender is a mystery to me!!! Maybe it's common, but the setup means that if you don't get a temperature reading at all it probably means your car is overheating due to a stuck thermostat!! At least when my Sierra had the same trouble, I KNEW it was overheated because the gauge was off the red.

I get the feeling I knackered one or two valve stem seals, to be honest I am not sure where they end up sitting and exactly HOW they stop oil dripping down the guides. But I am getting some oily bursts of smoke. Not the "worn piston ring" type of smoke puff, also compression still good. Seals I am sure of it, a couple of them were a bit ragged when I re-fitted, didn't realise the importance. This must be the trouble.

Another head job next year!!! But no biggie. Old hand at that now!!

Had first play with new seat covers, bases seem like they should be easy enough. Just need to plan and take care. Putting it off a little while longer, as with the electronic ignition conversion!! What else to say.. Crappy weather means infrequent journeys. Biggest floods since 1947 apparently. The Citroen is definitely playing her part. Very wise move.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Thermostat back in again

Since the coolant seems to be relatively free of oil now, have decided to re-fit thermostat. No totally sure about this. Wonder if it is really worth it. But in for a penny!!

Firstly drained the coolant again, rad tap is working now - so at least that is easier. Fixed that whilst doing the CH gasket for the second time.

Makes it much easier to also check things out. I'll be too nervous to just leave the thermostat in place now, without double checking it isn't getting clogged up like I assume happened the previous time.

Then pretty much clock work 10 minute job, no need to get proper tools out either. Just the basics. So only a small set of pictures. Same as last time really. First run has dragged some emulsion out of the system, but hoping that is the higher temperature clearing out more oil that was left behind. But as mentioned - will be checking! Don't want to blow her up again..

Still hoping I won't regret this.. Tempted to do a U-turn already after only one run!!