Saturday 1 February 2014

Thermostat back in again

Since the coolant seems to be relatively free of oil now, have decided to re-fit thermostat. No totally sure about this. Wonder if it is really worth it. But in for a penny!!

Firstly drained the coolant again, rad tap is working now - so at least that is easier. Fixed that whilst doing the CH gasket for the second time.

Makes it much easier to also check things out. I'll be too nervous to just leave the thermostat in place now, without double checking it isn't getting clogged up like I assume happened the previous time.

Then pretty much clock work 10 minute job, no need to get proper tools out either. Just the basics. So only a small set of pictures. Same as last time really. First run has dragged some emulsion out of the system, but hoping that is the higher temperature clearing out more oil that was left behind. But as mentioned - will be checking! Don't want to blow her up again..

Still hoping I won't regret this.. Tempted to do a U-turn already after only one run!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mike.

    I've just read your blog right through from the very beginning after chancing upon it and have enjoyed reading it very much. I owned a Somerset around five years ago but had to sell when a house move beckoned, which has left me with a permanent hankering for another one.

    I saw your car advertised for sale last year and was very tempted to by it, but of course I hesitated too long and you bought it instead! Will continue to follow your posts with interest so keep up the good work.


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