Monday 17 February 2014

Oh dear .. AGAIN!!

Should NEVER feel more settled about things!! I was hoping this post was going to be a jolly affair. Went down to visit parents for the first time since Christmas, plus the weather on Sunday 16th Feb was lovely. Perfect opportunity to get Amy out for a bit of a longer run.

Everything went to plan up to a point. She ran very smoothly all the way there. (mostly lane driving, about a mile and a half run on a main road where she gets opened up to 50mph and then back to lanes) Arrived very nicely, very little oil in the water remaining now, so all good. Very very smooth.

Weather held out, as it was forecasted to,and drove home in the sun, but could sense a loss of power in the last 5 miles or so. It was noticeable to me and the wife, and there was a faint noise that I recognised. But she soldiered on without too much trouble. Cruising was as smooth as ever. So it didn't spoil the journey.

But I was fairly sure what to expect, sure enough, when home. 2 & 3 cylinders down to half compression. Don't need to take the head off to know what has happened! The classic A40 problem strikes again!! At least after over 300 miles this time!!

So anyway, I have ordered new valve stem seals and a new manifold gasket from the club.

I have ordered a replacement, handmade, reinforced HEAD gasket that a couple of the other chaps have and swear by. So head gasket replacement number 3 coming up, when the bits arrive.

Target is 9th March for the Brooklands Austin / Morris day. Just depends on how quick a turnaround on receiving parts.

Bothered, yes of course, rather it had lasted!! But worried? Still not really as it is a known problem. I heard stories from others of the same problem with standard gaskets, so at this stage, this reinforced one should sort out my problem.. for longer than a couple of months at least!!! Maybe the original head gasket in the car when I got it was one of these reinforced ones, because she did a fair few hundred miles in the first place, the original problem was a burnt valve - NOT the head gasket.

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