Monday 10 February 2014

Oil fading - good. Valve stem seals ?.. Seats??

The emulsion is dwindling, will probably still whip out the thermostat to inspect a bit closer and clean it up, there's bound to be some sludgy deposits in and around it, but also the lower temp (I put a 75 degree one back in, not the original 88 one) makes me feel safer. Mostly short journeys just in case, but the temp needle has come up after around 5 mins in each case.

Still, the positioning of the temp sender is a mystery to me!!! Maybe it's common, but the setup means that if you don't get a temperature reading at all it probably means your car is overheating due to a stuck thermostat!! At least when my Sierra had the same trouble, I KNEW it was overheated because the gauge was off the red.

I get the feeling I knackered one or two valve stem seals, to be honest I am not sure where they end up sitting and exactly HOW they stop oil dripping down the guides. But I am getting some oily bursts of smoke. Not the "worn piston ring" type of smoke puff, also compression still good. Seals I am sure of it, a couple of them were a bit ragged when I re-fitted, didn't realise the importance. This must be the trouble.

Another head job next year!!! But no biggie. Old hand at that now!!

Had first play with new seat covers, bases seem like they should be easy enough. Just need to plan and take care. Putting it off a little while longer, as with the electronic ignition conversion!! What else to say.. Crappy weather means infrequent journeys. Biggest floods since 1947 apparently. The Citroen is definitely playing her part. Very wise move.

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