Tuesday 22 July 2014

Long standing niggle solved - was simple!

Since around December, Amy would OCCASIONALLY give out a low pitched whine / growl on startup. Pretty random as to when it would and would not occur and would last varying, short, amounts of time before simply going away. So it was impossible to diagnose and only a slight worry. As of the weekend just gone, it became constant. On every startup. And would take a lot longer to go away. And for the first time, would  occasionally RECCUR whilst idling. So it pushed the problem right up my issues list, with the feeling that I should stop driving her until I knew what the problem was and had fixed it. The slightly good news about it no longer being intermittent was that at least I could video it to be able to ask for remote advice.

So anyway, I posted my video to Youtube and emailed the local ACCC folks, at the same time posted onto the Austin & Morris Facebook page.
The great news was, that despite the noise by now being pretty horrendous and me having read internet articles about possible timing chain issues, the issue was pretty simple. Dynamo bearings dry, quick spray of WD40 and the noise had gone. Apparently older versions of the Dynamo in an A40 engine had a lubricating wick, later ones didn't. So a random spray of lubricant is required from time to time. Next lesson learned! And phew....!


  1. Mike you might be better using a thin machine oil spray rather than WD40 as it isn't especially a lubricant as much as it is a damp repellent. WD40 will lubricate after a fashion, but may not last as long as a thin oil spray

  2. Yes - good point. I do forget that WD40 is only what it is called....!


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