Sunday 20 December 2015

Shopping and dog walking trip - Sunshine and Rain!

Started off a nice day, forecast said sunshine and clouds all day and rain returning Monday, so possibly a last drive before Christmas was on the cards. Family day out - well three of us and Reggie anyway.

Today : Cloudy, Heavy Rain, Cloudy
Conditions : VERY Mild for December - but unexpectedly wet!
Temp : 12°
Journey : Farnborough
Distance : 24 miles

All started to plan until around 1.30, when it started to rain a bit. It died off again so didnt think too much of it, but by the time we had visited the shops, had a coffee and got to the park to walk the dog, then heavens opened on us mid-walk. First visit to Queen Elizabeth Park in Farnborough - so new picture in a generic woods setting. We got back to the car slightly muddy, very wet and me wondering if i had made a mistake bringing Amy out after all.

Windscreen wipers (smearers) on, heater (window warmer) on, extra air vent open and quarter lights open too!!. Ah the mod cons of the 50's!! They kept the windscreen clear enough inside an out to make a safe journey home!

During which the weather cleared, the sun came out and we gave the dog the rest of his walk at Ambarrow Court.

Amy just needed a light rub down when we got home and she's now back undercover, no worse for the expercience! Very pleasureable and quite fun in the end. I will need to clean the mud out of her interior on he next outing, but messy inside but better that than being wrapped up in cotton wool and not driven.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

ACCC Christmas Dinner!

Christmas meal at the Kingfisher. Nice food, nice drink, good company. Oh and a dry night and following morning so I could easily justify getting Amy out for a spin.

Today : Clear Evening
Conditions : Mild for December
Temp : 8°
Journey : Kingfisher on the Quays, Mytchett
Distance : 21 miles

Friday 4 December 2015

Journey 4th December 2015 - Work

What with the weekend weather being mostly atrocious, being busy at work it's been over two weeks of wet, wild, windy conditions and no sensible opportunities to drive Amy in over two weeks, I kind of like the fact that I still get the jitters when I haven't driven her for a while. But unlike the early days it's not a negative thing. I had no doubts whatsoever that I would have any problem. A squirt of EasyStart at the worst was my thinking. Didn't even need that!

Today : Sunny turning Cloudy
Conditions : Calm and Dry
Temp : 7° - 11°
Journey : Work and back with a couple of stops
Distance : 17 miles

Just noticed though - only ONE drive in the whole of November! No matter.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Journey 15th November 2015 - Go Karting

Just a normal run to Woodley Go Kart centre and back, journeys down to winter minimum level now. The idea of tucking her away for a couple of months is back in mind. Didnt quite happen last year due to the discovery of a small petrol leak. But this year should all be fine. We'll see.

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Windy and Dry
Temp : 14°
Journey : Woodley and back
Distance : 16 miles

Saturday 31 October 2015

Journey 31st October 2015 - About a bit, ACCC Grille badge added

A spookily bright and warm Halloween! Perfect day to get Amy out for a spin, showing off her new grille addition.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Bright, Warm and Dry
Temp : 16°
Journey : Winnersh and Bracknell
Distance : 20 miles

Decided to get an ACCC grille badge to go with the AA one. Biggest decision was where to put it. I went for the one sided look, rather than the one either side symmetrical look!

Sunday 25 October 2015

Journey 25th October 2015 - White Lion Visit and Gym Run

Lovely late October day. Bright sunshine, gold, red, green leaves on the trees. Bright crisp start turning to a warmish Indian summer day. Nothing else going on so a perfect day to get up to the White Lion in Amy. Did gym drop in the afternoon too.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 8°
Journey : White Lion Antiques, Hartley Whitney
Distance : 28 miles

Just me and Reggie today. Have only done the White Lion once this year so far, for the Austin/Morris day which was a bit of a damp squib. The weather was slated to be good for today and turned out to be so. Got there around 10.15 had a coffee and a good look around with Reggie. He has taste!

It was his walk too, so the fact that the field was in use (and near enough full) was good for him.

He had a good snuffle about and didnt try to pee on any cars! He saw a couple of four legged friends whilst I was able to enjoy looking at beasts of the four wheeled variety.

Usual lineup shot, and a standalone. Loveley weather similar to a prior visit same time last year, so probably very similar pictures!

Oh well, definitely seen this shot before, but whats changed this time. Worsening front bumper and AA Grille badge I guess.

Next year's version should hopefully have a gleaming bumper again.

MGA was always my dream car. Having been introduced to world of Austin a bit more since having Amy, it's now a tough call between that and an Austin Healey.  I think the Healey might be edging it. Both out of reach realistically, but this photo opportunity today made for a good comparision anyways.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Journey 18th Oct 2015 - Go Karting & Gym

Nothing adventurous. Just the Go Kart run to Woodley and a Gym pickup

Today : Light Cloud
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 12°
Journey : Woodley and back and Pinewood and back
Distance : 18 miles

MPG Update

161 Miles / 7.03 Gallons = 23 mpg

Lower, but expected as a number of the miles were on either  3 cylinders or running on a partially working spark plug.

Hope to see the next one back up to the high 20's, but cold weather arriving, probably less long journeys and more warming up may see that number stay a bit lower.

Not perturbed though. All fine.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Journey 13th October 2015 - ACCC night

ACCC night, new venue at the Kingfisher Quays, Mytchett. Nice place, . Good catchup. Bumper replacement in progress.

Today : Clear Evening
Conditions : Getting chillier!
Temp : 8° dropping to 4°
Journey : Kingfisher on the Quays, Mytchett
Distance : 21 miles

Nice new location to photograph Amy at. You can see the Grey Somerset behind just about, that was the guy I bought her from. We've stayed in touch through he club for quite a while now.

His spare front bumper is off to the chromers, when it comes back I get it and give him my old one as a spare. Good deal. (I have to pay for the chroming though!!)

Sunday 11 October 2015

Journey 11th October 2015 - Gym and Dog Walk

Just dropped Izzie at Gym, walked Reggie at Wildmoor Heath.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Mild, bright and dry
Temp : 14°
Journey : Crowthorne/Sandhurst
Distance : 20 miles

Saturday 10 October 2015

Journey 10th October 2015 - Thatcham Classic Car Show

Have been meaning to go to Thatcham since I got Amy. First year was too soon and in the middle of engine problems that I had at the time. 2014 was a clash with something, but made it this year. Last show of the season. Maybe one last visit to White Lion after this.

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Chilly to mild, dull but dry
Temp : 8° (morning) - 14° (afternoon)
Journey : Thatcham
Distance : 50 miles

Not much to say. Good journey there down some fast country roads. Didn't miss a beat there or back which is good. Probably around 500 cars I'd guess. Ranging from a 20's model T Ford to a '56 Plate Mini Cooper. A beaten up Suzuki Jeep to an immaculate Aston Martin Superleggera.

Some pics. Weather not so great, but dry. Good company and mandatory Costa part way through.

Friday 9 October 2015

Journey 9th October 2015 - Work

Just work and the long way back. No worries.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Chilly misty morning, mild, bright and dry afternoon
Temp : 4° (morning) - 16° (afternoon)
ourney : Bracknell
Distance : 15 miles

Thursday 8 October 2015

Journey 8th October - Just Dog Walk

Just walking the dog, but went to Winnersh to get a longer drive in, and Coffee! No issues.

Today : Mostly Cloudy
Conditions : Mild, Dry
Temp : 16°
Journey : Winnersh
Distance : 9 miles

Sunday 4 October 2015

Journey 4th October 2015 - More diagnosis driving

I've kind've lost track of exactly what miles I have been doing trying to test out Amy's recent niggle. But close enough. Touch wood OK again now and really great weather for all the recent drive abouts. Rain coming back as we head into Autumn - so back under cover tonight. There may be an opportunity for one last show on Saturday 10th. Thatcham/Newbury. Weather dependant, we'll see. All's well that ends well this weekend at least!

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Mild, Bright and Dry
Temp : 16°
Journey : Winnersh
Distance : 10 miles

One faulty spark plug!!

It wasn't as obvious as I guess it should have been. There wasn't one clear symptom to start with. Ended up swapping plugs about. Un plugging them whilst the engine was running to see if that showed anything obvious. It didn't to start with. Swapped to a new set of HT leads that I have had for a while. That seemed to do the trick.

Drove around a bit, had a blast down the dual carriageway. Bam - back to before. Starting to get frustrating, too many bits and pieces weren't quite adding up, but still convinced it couldn't be anything too serious.

Left it overnight, this morning went to work and did everything non-major that you can do without replacing anything.

Valve Clearances - just because I haven't checked them in over a year..
Re-cut all of the original HT leads to get nice new clean connections.
Cleaned spark plugs - again!
Checked points gap.
Cleaned rotor arm.
Refitted everything.

Started her up - still idling very rough. Something definitely still wrong.

Took the HT leads off one by one. Cylinder 1 CLEARLY made no difference. (when doing the same test previous day had not really been conclusive)

Swapped the spark plugs between 1 and 2, retried. Cylinder 2 made no difference this time.

Swapped that spark plug with a spare. Hurrah - now idling fine.

Took her for a drive, all good. Had a 55-60mph blast down a long straight piece of country road. She handled it fine. Settled back to normal, about town, speeds and got back home with no misbehaviour. Hopefully that is fixed and it all came down to one spark plug!!!

Saturday 3 October 2015

Journey 3rd October 2015 - Halfords and diagnosing rough running

Spending a bit of time trying to fix this niggly problem. Just went to Halfords as I needed some oil and WD40 anyway!!

 Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Warm, Bright and Dry
Temp : 17°
Journey : Winnersh
Distance : 10 miles

Got to be ignition system somewhere

Cleaning up the bad spark plug clears the problem, but seemingly short lived and quickly starts to misfire again. As metnioned, no issue with compression or any other cylinders. So it cant be valve related / piston ring or head gasket. It cant be coil, rotor arm or condenser otherwise would affect all.

That leaves Distributor Cap, HT lead or the Plug itself.

Have swapped the plug around to start with as that is the easiest. When she starts running rough again, then recheck. If the problem has moved with the plug - replace it.

If problem remains in the same cylinder then look more closely at the HT lead and the Cap.

Will get there in the end!! Still have this damn electronic ignition set up that I guess I should fit... Hummmmm...

Friday 2 October 2015

Journey 2nd October 2015 - Work and more rough running

Work and then a drive about after cleaning a plug up (rough running again to and from work - one plug wet, compression OK was fine after clean, different plug this time). Weird again. No big deal still, suspect maybe HT lead or dizzy maybe.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Warm, Bright and Dry
Temp : 18°
Journey : Bracknell, Wokinham, around and about.
Distance : 18 miles

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Journey 29th September 2015 - Work

Just work.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Warm, Bright and Dry
Temp : 18°
Journey : Bracknell
Distance : 8 miles

Sunday 27 September 2015

Journey 27th August 2015 - Go Karting plus MPG checkpoint

Just Go Karting and back.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Mild, Bright and Dry
Temp : 16°
Journey : Woodley, about and back
Distance : 18 miles

168 Mile / 6.34 Gallons = 26.5 mpg - right territory. Had noticed that the handbrake was slightly rubbing after lots of hill starts in the traffic jam in Cobham. Only a tiny bit. Fiddled with the handbrake pull rod today and released it. It obviously sticks a bit if not careful. So no doubt that has brought the consumption down a touch. But still very happy with that. Will keep track of it nevertheless.

Friday 25 September 2015

Journey 26th September 2015 - Dogwalk

Just took Reggie for a walk at a couple of places around Bracknell. The long way there and back of course. Roll on Indian Summer!

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Warm and Dry
Temp : 17°
Journey : Around Bracknell
Distance : 16 miles

Sunday 20 September 2015

Journey 20th September 2015 - SCVC Classic Car Gathering

Today was the last booked car show of the year, quite a large affair organised by the Surrey Classic Vehicle Club at the Rural Life Centre in Tilford.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Mild/Warm and Dry
Temp : 14° - 19°
Journey : Rural Life Centre, Tilford, Farnham
Distance : 55 miles

Have been booked for this show for months and the admittance pass has been on the notice board for ages! What a great day, good venue, lots of cars, weather was once again spot on. Me, Robbie and one of his mates along for the ride. They enjoyed themselves too. Arrived around 10am and left around 4.30pm.

Reggie and the wife turned up in the afternoon too, which was nice.

Bunch of pictures of the day in no particular order:

Just around the corner from the show there is an old-time garage that I have driven past a few times. Real blast from the past, we took a stop to look in. Three MG's out side. Another one inside, plus an old moggy and a GT6.

Further along the journey we followed a Triumph Renown down the A331 most of the way from Farnham to Farnborough. Amy ran sluggish and lumpy after that second long dual carriageway stretch of the day. All the way from Frimly to home. But we made it fine anyway, it was only me that noticed.

Quick check showed that one of the spark plugs was completely coked up. No wonder it felt like 3 cylinders, there could have hardly been a spark. Cleaned up, replaced and quick blast round the block. All good as usual. Must be a root cause, but compression was still fine across all four, so not sure, but no big deal.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Journey 13th September 2015 - About a bit

Just wanted to have another drive today, she's running so sweetly and the nightmare journey back from Cobham put her under some strain. Small top up on oil was all that was needed. Sweet journey in the Sun. Rainy week forecasted ahead, so she's now back under cover until next weekend.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Mild and Dry
Temp : 15°
Journey : Camberley
Distance : 17 miles

Saturday 12 September 2015

MPG looking great

I am sure the fact that more long journeys feature in this calculation, plus mostly real warm weather is the reason for such a good reading. Filled up before setting off for Cobham. 168 miles with 5.8 gallons equals 28-29 mpg. Spot on.

Journey (from Hell!) 12th September 2015 - Cobham Heritage Day

Cobham Heritage day today. Second attendance. Beautiful day, me Robbie and Reggie

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Warm and Dry
Temp : 21°
Journey : Cobham
Distance : 62 miles (!!!)

So first things first, Cobham Heritage Day 2015 has a Classic car feature which is jointly run by one of the ACCC chaps. Like to go along as I did last year, and today was no exception. Rain overnight served as my car wash and morning cloud turned to afternoon sun as we drove to Cobham. Reggie came with us as Cobham is quite a relaxed affair on a nice big field. Robbie wasn't fussed about his BMX this time either!

Nice journey, arrived around 11.30, no smoke, unlike last time and a nice day it was indeed.

The Austin Counties Lineup (with a Mini thrown in), and below are two Somerset cousins, my Saloon and a Coupe.

Reggie enjoyed a bit of play (& rested in Amy's cool shade!)

MGB & Somerset. Past meets more recent past!

The journey from hell part began at around 3.00pm. We made a break for home, it was a 50 minute journey so no rush. Huh.... 2 and a half hours later we finally got home. An accident on our route home basically meant that we sat in an hour's traffic queue to get roughly 2 miles. Only to find the queue was caused by an accident on the road we had to take. Diverted to Esher and then followed our noses from there. ONLY TO ARRIVE BACK AT COBHAM!!! An hour and a half to get precisely nowhere!! Aaaagggh!. Turned around went back to Esher and tried again. Hersham, Weybridge, Chertsey and we were fine from there but wow what a journey.

On a positive note though, again Amy coped like a trooper. 1 hour in crawling traffic on a warm afternoon was not fun, but she showed no signs of overheating. The various stints down dual carriageway and a stretch of the 3 lane A3 was eaten up. She basically ran for pretty much the 2 and half hours solid and ended up doing her longest mileage in one day.

So all in all it was still a good day, good fun all round and quite a laugh getting lost. Reggie didnt seem to mind over two hours in the car either :-)

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Journey 8th September 2015 - ACCC Meet

September meet back at the Swan, after being at Brooklands for the summer months.

Today : Clear Evening
Conditions : Getting chillier!
Temp : 12° dropping to 7°
Journey : The Swan, Ash Vale
Distance : 31 miles

Journey was longer than usual as I decided to go mains roads. That would not have made a difference, but when I came home I went the wrong way down the dual carriageway and ended up at the Aldershot turnoff, swift turn around and straight back but it added a few miles!

Sunday 6 September 2015

Journey 6th September 2015 - Go Karting and Pub Lunch

Lovely day for it again, fair old drive about with Rob and the whole family later on for a nice Sunday roast.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Warm and dry
Temp : 18°
Journey : Woodley then Crooked Billet, Pinewood
Distance : 26 miles

The Go-Karting journey to Woodley and back included a 5 mile stint down the A329M Motorway, over the M4. First time I have hit the motorway since the first week or two of ownership. (same stretch in opposite direction and that went very badly! - Motorway Ugh!) I did limit the speed to 50-55 this time and it felt like it exorcised a bit of a ghost. But its still not relaxed driving, so not going to be making a habit of it!

AA Grille Badge

One of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received.

Mate of mine knows I love my car and am relatively into period accessories. He's bought me a 1955 AA grille badge in pretty good nick. Good bit of patina to match Amy's condition. Fitted it straight away and lovely sunny day to capture the facelift!

Had been thinking about getting one for ages, and voila!

Cheers mate!

Friday 4 September 2015

Journey 4th September 2015 - Lunchtime Three Frogs

Too short a journey really, but wanted to drive Amy to the pub at lunchtime, so why not. Whilst the weather is ok and she warms up a little bit at least.

Today : Partly Cloudy
Conditions : Mild dry
Temp : 15°
Journey : Three Frogs
Distance : 6 miles

Haven't done the picture at the Frogs yet, so here we go:

Thursday 3 September 2015

Journey 3rd September 2015 - Couple of trips

Weather has been so wet not many driving opportunities. Supposed to be dry for a week or so, going to try to make the most of it, but probably only some boring trips here and there.

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Mild
Temp : 15°
Journey : Finchampstead then Bracknell
Distance : 17 miles

Saturday 22 August 2015

Journey 22nd August 2015 - Camberley Car Show

A PERFECT day at Camberley Car Show 2015!!

Today : Sunny, Sunny Sunny!!!
Conditions : Hot, Hot, Hot!
Temp : 16° (morning) - 28° (afternoon)
Journey : Camberley Car Show
Distance : 18 miles

Arrived early to get a decent spot and duly used my free coffee voucher! Sitting on Camberley High Street, enjoying the sun and the view:
 Parked up next to a rather smart VW Camper. The driver of which kindly informed me that I had a brake light out! (Replaced later in the day, there was a handy Halfords in town and it was a standard tail / brake light bulb)
 And it got rather busy. To the other side a rather nice Cobra replica.
 So just tried to take some nice shots of Amy bathing in the sun.
 And a rear shot too!
 Tried to take this shot at last year's show, so why not make a habit of it, very nice reflection.
 And a couple of lineup shots at the end of the day as it was getting quieter. Spent all day there from around 9.00am to 4.30pm. The family and my parents joined me at various points in the day, which was nice.

Rob stayed with me to the end, wanting to get the usual earful of lovely sounding American muscle car engines as they started to leave.
Off home eventually, didn't want to be one of the last hangers on today. We hit 60 mph on the journey back. She soaked it up nicely. Don't want to do that often, but it felt right to give it a whizz today for some reason! Nice.

Friday 21 August 2015

Quick health check

Found myself with a spare hour this morning and it's Camberley Car Show tomorrow, so figured I'd just give Amy a checkup, especially after a small period of rough running on the previous Sunday. Not expecting to find any real problem, but just a little bit of light maintenance perhaps.

Sure enough, compression test on all four pots was perfectly fine, so no issue with gaskets or clearances or anything mechanical.

Had the plugs, dizzy cap and rotor arm off for a decent clean, they were a bit clagged, said light maintenance overdue basically!

So all looking fine and prepared for our second visit to Camberley.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Journey 16th August 2015 - Cranleigh Classic Car Show

First car show in a while, quite a big deal as it was Cranleigh, and that is pretty much where I got Amy from. She was taken there by the previous owner just before I got her in 2013. I missed it last year, as was away at the time. So glad to finally make it this year.

Today : Partially Sunny, Clouding over
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 18°
Journey : Cranleigh Car Show
Distance : 60 miles

Other slightly significant point, this was 30 miles each way, which is the longest one way / return trip I have done since getting her. It was .. erm interesting.

Arrived in good time and joined the half-hour queue to get in! Parked up with with the Austin Counties Car Club, as we had been assigned an area.

It was absolutely huge, when we arrived and did a first walk through it was almost overwhelming, this photo doesnt really convey the scale, but thousands of cars were there it seemed!

We had a walk about a couple of times and then went into town for lunch, that was quite a walk. As before at Cobham, Robbie had his BMX bike with him to get some skatepark time. Expect I was still the only classic with a BMX on board!

Sat down for a bit and had a natter with the ACCC folks, whilst Robbie went around the show himself, then towards the end of the day, we got ourselves the best seats in the house to watch all the cars start to flood out. Rob got plenty of beeps and revs out of people by geeing them up!
We were amongst the last to leave in the end as we got so engrossed. Good day, and very knackered when got home. The largest and to quote Robbie "the best car show we have done so far"

The interesting aspect was how she ran. She purred all the way there at speeds roughly between 25-50 mph. Sat in the queue to get in she got all "lumpy".

On the way home she started off all lumpy and then gradually cleared and purred most of the way again, again between 25-50 mph.

Strange. Women!.. Huh....

Saturday 15 August 2015

Journey - 15th August 2015 - About a bit, MPG

Just petrol,Gymnastics and shops. Just to top up on fuel and oil for Cranleigh car show tomorrow really. Cranleigh is almost back to where I got Amy from almost 2 years ago now, and therefore will be longest journey I'll have done. 60 mile round trip.

Today : Light Cloud
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 20° Journey : Around town
Distance : 10 miles

MPG update : 136 miles since last fill. 5.2 gallons to fill up. 26mpg. Good!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Journey 11th August 2015 - Brooklands ACCC

Missed ACCC last month due to rain. (and I dont really want to do Brooklands in the Mazda) So was determined to go this month and catch up, weather was slated to be OK all day so no problems (hmpfh....!!).

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Dry in the Morning followed by persistent light Rain!
Temp : 15° morning 17° evening
Journey : Brooklands ACCC via Weybridge Station car park!
Distance: 40 miles

Unfortunately at the last moment a meeting with work came up in London that I could not avoid, so had to make different plans to ensure that I still was able to get to ACCC club night too. The answer was pretty simple in the end. Travel to London from Weybridge station. Weybridge station is around the corner from Brooklands, so even if the meetings ran late (which they always do!) then I would still have no problem attending.

It felt a little strange leaving Amy in a car park all day though, not sure why. But I think it is the longest she has been left alone in a strange place for...!!! Oh dear... I need my head testing!

Earliest start too - set off from home at 6.30am, very tired! But it was an enjoyable drive at that time of day, didnt really see any rush hour traffic as I was at the station before 7.30 as planned.

All went like clockwork, meeting overran as expected, but that got me out in time to reach Brooklands at normal time and the only issue was the rain. But by the time it had set in part way through the day, I was committed, so it meant that the rain didn't prevent me going this time.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Journey 9th August 2015 - Go Karting

Weather nice again, now't else to say!

Today : Light Cloud
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 20°
Journey : Woodley and back
Distance : 12 miles

Thursday 6 August 2015

Journey 6th August 2015 - Dog Walk

Weather nice, lunchtime dog walk today. First run out for over two weeks due to being away and weather, so good to get the pistons going. No problems at all.

Today : Partly Cloudy
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 21°
Journey : Round about way to Heathlake and back
Distance : 10 miles

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Journey 21st July 2015 - Work

Weather nice again, off to work!

Today : Cloudy
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 16° (morning) - 25° (afternoon)
Journey : Just to work and back
Distance : 5 miles

Monday 20 July 2015

Combined photo of Broad Street Wokingham, c. 60 years apart

And couldn't resist doing this over lunch today! I enjoy a bit of Photoshopping, sadly enough. Not great, but good enough for my enjoyment!

Sunday 19 July 2015

Broad Street, Wokingham. 60 years on. Progress???

I feel quite lucky to be able to recreate a picture like this. The old time black and white 50's picture is one that I spotted on the wall in the Broad Street Tavern, Wokingham back in winter. I was gobsmacked to see that an Austin A40 Somerset featured prominently in the foreground. I immediately resolved that one day I would try to recreate the picture with my Somerset at some time.

Finally got around to it today. Also I found that the old picture can be bought online, so therefore copyright acknowledged to Francis Frith Old Photos and I believe fair use for this specific blog post. I will be buying this picture from them and printing my up to date version to frame them together.

I like to think that the tree that I am parked next to is the SAME tree next to the Somerset in the original that was a sapling at the time. The position is about right, the age of the tree is guesswork, but as it has been substantially pollarded over the years, then it is highly likely that it is 60 years old and that very one.

Other trees now hide most of the buildings and there is a proliferation of lights, road markings and other "useful" roadside items to clutter the view, But the scene is unchanged apart from this. The building in the foreground that is now Zizzi's can be seen and recognised by the configuration of it's first floor windows. A bay next to two tall thin rectangular sashes. The writing on the side of the building roughly in the centre of the shot can still be made out, "PITHER English Meat Purveyor" is the full writing and has been a feature since the early 1900's. Finally, what used to be Tudor House Surgery can be clearly recognised in the distance. Now being turned into accommodation.

Progress??.. Hmmm..... But I like the comparison pictures, that contain reference points to each other over the years. Including Amy of course!!!

Journey 19th July 2015 - Dog Walk

Just dropped Izzie off to Gymnastics and then took the dog for a walk.

Today : Sunny
Conditions : Bright and warm
Temp : 23°
Journey : Dog walk in Sandhurst
Distance : 12 miles

Yes, somewhere new. Wildmoor Heath, walked near to Broadmoor too. Nuts!! Stopped off in the High Street to grab a drink! Therefore couple of new pics.

Just in the car park.

This one seemed OK for the Sepia treatment:

Reggie wanted to drive home after getting drinks!