Friday 9 January 2015

2015 continues where 2014 left off

No driving since the really cold day documented on 30th Dec. New Year in between and a lot of frosts and rain, first realistic driving opportunity today, as getting withdrawal symptoms, went out for a lunchtime cruise!

As before, had to wait for oil pressure to come up. A couple of false starts but then pretty easy again running nicely pretty quickly.

Had a nice long drive to get the engine running nice and warm, want to avoid really short trips especially in winter. Drive out to Hurst:

Popped into town, parked in Broad Street:

And then home, under new lightweight, elasticated, fitted and theoretically waterproof (!!!) cover:

Edit: And it promptly ripped off in the high winds!! Back to the tarp. Ordered a new cover with some eyelets to enable the sides to be secured down like the tarp does!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! No litter or double yellows in a main St? It must be the 1950's. :-)


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