Friday 6 February 2015

Car Cover - Good (ish)

Today is the closest to a "nice" day that we are going to get for a while. 0° but partly sunny and dry. Since it is getting on for 2 weeks since I drove Amy last, I really wanted to give her a bit of an airing, just to work, around and back. Not really worried too much, but doesn't do her any good just sitting there. Learned my lesson, coat, hat gloves, nice warm, comfy drive to the office with the quarter lights open to stop me misting up!

The car cover is definitely doing it's job, it IS waterproof after all! Perfectly dry underneath after wind, rain, ice, snow. It flaps about in the wind, so allows a drying airflow but at the same time because it is shaped and elasticated it covers the whole car down the sides so keeps off the rain there, which the tarpaulin didn't. Down side is that its a little bit flimsy though. Lots of small tugs and tears, so not totally sure how long it will last. Better than the first effort which ripped off in high winds after only a day! Now that I installed eyelets to keep it weighted down at the sides it keeps it under control enough, but I'll be surprised if it lasts six months!

We'll see, will get a heavier duty one maybe, or if it DOES last for a reasonable time, then just keep replacing it from time to time. (At £10 a pop wouldn't be bad seeing as decent ones can be upwards of £70 and the first one ripping up was my fault really, should have seen it coming!)

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