Saturday 21 February 2015

Journey 21st Feb 2015 - St Crispins School 1950's

Just Izzie to Judo & Gymnastics, plus to the gym  myself and a bit of round and about.

Today: Partly Sunny
Conditions: Bright but damp
Temp: 4-9°
Journey: Around Wokingham, Woosehill and Pinewood
Distance: 11 miles

Also dull picture of the day is outside St Crispins School.

Vague point of interest though is that the school was built between 1951 and 1953. Opening that year.

My Somerset is a year later in all respects. It was produced between 1952 and 1954. My one being a 1954 model.

So the setting is pretty contemporary here is the raw picture:

And couldn't resist some Photo-shopping:

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