Saturday 30 May 2015

MPG Update - slight change for the better

Thanks to a comment today, I rechecked my calculations as it WAS niggling me slightly. I added up the journey distances since last fill and divided by the number of Gallons that I just had to put in to fill up again. I'd missed one journey off.

Rechecked it still comes out at a not great 22mpg, but at least that's what it was before. 20mpg did feel far too bad!

I am sure I WAS getting 25mpg at one point, which was acceptable in my mind, so good call to check for further leaks. I'll try to put it back in the garage maybe for a week or so. That was the only way I was able to spot the previous leak, so if there is anything there still, being in a closed environment might highlight it again.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Journey 27th May 2014 - Petrol and MPG

Only went to get petrol, but I always like to have at least half a run out too, so went "around the block", rather than just to the petrol station and back.

Today : Partly Cloudy
Conditions : Bright, light drizzle later
Temp : 14°
Journey : Petrol station, the long way!
Distance: 6 miles

MPG is looking like an appalling 20mpg. Which is WORSE than when the brakes were binding! But she seems to run smooth enough.

Checked compression, seems a very healthy 125psi in each cylinder, so no issue there (as I understand it the specified 7.2:1 is approx 125 psi). Also replaced spark plugs, only because I have had a new set knocking around for a while and the old ones have suffered through all the head gasket / valve seals issues from the long distant past. So maybe they needed replacing, maybe not. Mixture is still slightly rich as they were a bit sooty, but nothing major. So bothered? Not really!

There is clearly some improvement that COULD be made, but ......

Sunday 24 May 2015

Just found a picture

This picture was on my phone, don't remember taking it but it's not bad. Date says 10th April 2015  which was just when I had tentatively fixed the brakes. Church is opposite the  kebab van, nice balance I guess! So uploaded just to save it somewhere.

Journey 24th May 2015 - Go Karting

Nice spell of weather continues, so what else am I going to drive?! Went the country lanes way, which was most pleasant.

 Today : Partly Cloudy
Conditions : Bright and dry
Temp : 17°
Journey : Premier Karting, Woodley
Distance: 14 miles

 Petrol level is getting low, time to fill up soon and will re-check MPG, gut feeling says it's still around the 25mpg level.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Journey - 23rd May 2015 - More around and around

Not really sure where I went to rack up a fair load of miles today. Just lots of bits and pieces which included drving to the fish and chip shop in the evening. It can only be 1/4 of a mile away. Should have walked really!

Today : Sin and clouds
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 16°
Journey : Around & around & around!
Distance: 24 miles

Sunday 17 May 2015

Journey - 17th May 2015 - A Long run!!

Just around and about a lot. Bit of shopping, garden centre, pet store, gymnastics run and dog walking! A good old blast around with the family! Nice.

Today : Clear, turning cloudy
Conditions : Bright and Dry
Temp : 14°
Journey : Around & around & around!
Distance: 21 miles

Reggie loves the wind in his face, don't all dogs?!

Saturday 16 May 2015

Journey - 16th May 2015 - A Short run

Just over to visit friends, too nice a day to pass up, but not really far enough to justify the effort! Couldnt resist a little family outing though, all 4 of us. Doesn't happen so often. Get a few miles in tomorrow hopefully too.

Today : Clear
Conditions : Warm, Bright and Dry
Temp : 17°
Journey : Friend's and back
Distance: 4 miles

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Journey 12th May 2015 - Brooklands ACCC Meeting

First ACCC meeting back at Brooklands.

Today : Clear
Conditions : Bright and Dry, Clear Night
Temp : 14° dropping to 8°
Journey : Brooklands ACCC
Distance: 40 miles

Nothing much to say really. Smooth drive, really nice evening.

Parked up next to the Atlantic.

No hint of smoke when I arrived (Austin Morris day a couple of months ago and Cobham last year I had developed this problem when doing 20 mile plus journeys I would have developed a smoking issue) It had been suggested that it was a simple case of overfilling oil, so I have resisted the temptation to top up quite as regularly. Seems to have done the trick and maybe I was being over zealous with my oil level. Especially that I have a very healthy oil pressure.

Also you dont see this too often. Another Atlantic. The A35 behind towing a vintage "telescopic" caravan, which was also quite fascinating.

Monday 4 May 2015

Journey - 4th May 2015 - Ascot

Just walking the dog again really, but cruised through town on the way as it was May fair. Just to see what was happening, and yes an excuse to drive really slowly through town with lots of people about! Wanted to put some half decent miles on again, so decided to go to Ascot. Pretty nice day for it.

Today : Mostly Sunny
Conditions : Warm and Bright
Temp : 15°
Journey : Ascot
Distance : 18 miles

Parked up on the high street for coffee and walkies. Ample parking space width, despite giving the kerb plenty of distance!

Then of course a picture in front of the main race course facility.I seem to have an aversion to kerbs:

Rain forecast, and arrived in the late afternoon, so Amy put back to bed. Til next time..

Sunday 3 May 2015

Journey 3rd May 2015 - Around and about

Only some around and about driving to give Amy an airing, first dry patch of weather at the right time to give her a run out.

Today : Partially Sunny
Conditions : Windy and Bright
Temp : 17°
Journey : Around town and about a bit!
Distance : 12 miles