Wednesday 13 May 2015

Journey 12th May 2015 - Brooklands ACCC Meeting

First ACCC meeting back at Brooklands.

Today : Clear
Conditions : Bright and Dry, Clear Night
Temp : 14° dropping to 8°
Journey : Brooklands ACCC
Distance: 40 miles

Nothing much to say really. Smooth drive, really nice evening.

Parked up next to the Atlantic.

No hint of smoke when I arrived (Austin Morris day a couple of months ago and Cobham last year I had developed this problem when doing 20 mile plus journeys I would have developed a smoking issue) It had been suggested that it was a simple case of overfilling oil, so I have resisted the temptation to top up quite as regularly. Seems to have done the trick and maybe I was being over zealous with my oil level. Especially that I have a very healthy oil pressure.

Also you dont see this too often. Another Atlantic. The A35 behind towing a vintage "telescopic" caravan, which was also quite fascinating.

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