Saturday 4 June 2016

Fan belt tightening only took nearly 3 years!

In a quite early post I mentioned that the fan belt was a bit iffy  and that it seemed loose and needed tightening. Upon checking that was 10th September 2013 that I first noticed. Then after developing what I thought at the time was a belt squeal it was 9th November 2013 when I first tried (and failed) to do something about it!!

The noise at the time turned out to do with air leaks around the inlet manifold causing a whistle rather than a squeal from the belt. Therefore despite it seeming too loose at the time, it wasn't the issue and it never got tightened in the end. Mainly because I couldn't shift the nut that held the dynamo in place to be able to tighten the belt and gave up.

In the last few weeks, Amy developed a kind of jingly rattle at tick over and sounded ever so slightly rough. In a different way than before.

A few internet searches suggested that the fan belt tension could be the culprit. It's bound to have got a bit looser with wear over 3 years.

Anyway, the nut was still as inaccessible as ever, and a real bugger to get loose. But persevered this time. The dynamo itself took a bit of tugging to shift too (it's probably been in that position for 7 or 8 years - even longer probably) but it moved eventually, pulled it up so as to have the recommended 1" play and re-tightened in place.

And she's back to normal, noises reduced back down again. Ready for the summer!!

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