Thursday 30 June 2016

Prom Duties

My excited little 13 year old boy, who traveled home with me nearly 3 years ago when we first picked up Amy, is all grown up and finished big school!

The tradition of late is for Proms to be held (when did THAT start, I don't remember such a thing except in American films!)
The sub tradition is to be dropped off in a posh car. So Amy was called into action despite the dynamo not being fixed. Could NOT have Amy running most of the time only to miss this notable event. Worth the risk, chances of her battery giving up was remote as no lights needed, no windscreen wipers needed so the drain was very small.

These pictures will part of the family memory book and wasn't going to pass that up.

She was in good company, we followed a vintage MG drophead most of the way there from town and there were plenty of other classics floating around including a couple of old Routemaster style vintage red buses too.

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