Friday 1 July 2016

Addressing the dynamo problem

Hurst show and the Prom run were both done with no charging happening. Both daytime, no rain, relatively new and little used battery (relatively speaking) so didn't envisage any problem and didn't want to miss either. Any nasty noises had gone away, so even if the brushes had worn down and were doing damage, they had already done their worst, so it was a judged decision.

But it needs to be fixed, so lunchtime today was spent removing the dynamo. Will get the new brushes in and tested over the weekend and hopefully that problem will be sorted. I am not familiar enough with dynamos to know if the commutator is damaged or not, so just keeping fingers crossed really.

But YES I labelled the wires. I was always terrible at that and in my older years I see the wisdom of just a few extra minutes labeling things up rather than foolishly trying to rely on memory or guesswork. Obvious really, but I never used to bother back in the day. Madness.

If that doesn't fix it, then probably get an Alternator (as that would also address the potential issue of the problem being the regulator, as these new Alternators are direct swaps and have a regulator built in).

We'll see  hopefully the brushes are the answer. £5 fix compared to £150 fix!!

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