Tuesday 19 July 2016

Not so easy and stumped

OK, I was confused why just tightening my spark plugs fixed the problem. We are having a really nice spell of weather at the moment, so driving to work was on the cards again today. Started her up, warmed up a touch and set off for work.

Broke down just down the road, same problem as the other day. Managed to limp back home with a couple of stops and a couple of fiddles and because I was early, figured I'd spend some time checking again. At one of the stops (i.e. whilst the engine was not firing at all), I did have a plug out again and the spark was VERY weak, almost non existent. So that is still indicating electrics.

I went through as many connections as I could, ones that I hadn't touched the other day. Tightening ones that could have been a bit loose. Also the coil was a bit loose on the alternator, so wondered if that rattling around a bit too much could be contributing or maybe even has damaged it in some way. Anyway, got her going again whilst at home. She sat on the driveway for 10 minutes or so just running - all fine.

Against better judgement, I set off for work again, as if nothing had happened!  Got most of the way there and same problem hit me at the top of the hill near the office, I coasted all the way down and into my work car park, coming to a halt at the nearest space.

As of typing this entry I am having to think what the issue could be. Condenser? Failing coil? These are my best guesses at the moment. In the meantime, I am potentially stuck at work, with the working day ahead of me. So at the moment I have to wonder how I am going to get home when the time comes!!

Update 1: As of now, increasingly thinking a component deterioration failure. No fiddling AT ALL, I just went down and tried to start her up - no problem. A few of the internet articles I have read seem to indicate that Condenser / Coil could have this symptom of running fine when cold but failing when hot. I am hopeful of getting home, maybe in stages. I'll not fiddle and just wait and see, as that will reinforce the theory. Frustrating, but not terminal!

Also notice what I was parked next to. Nissan GTR. Very nice. This is the car that my son would have me replace Amy for!

Update 2: As hoped she started immediately and I started the journey home. Broke down twice by the time I had got to the top of the hill near my office!

No amount of waiting or fiddling fixed the issue this time, so called for a tow. Thanks M&D!!

Got towed home safely, no drama. An extra pair of eyes seemed to suggest lack of fuel. I primed the carb bowl manually and she started immediately. Grrrrr.. None of the potential problems is a big deal. Coil, Condenser, Fuel Pump, Fuel line blockage, Cruddy jests? But figuring out for sure which one is the problem is bloody annoying!!!!

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