Thursday 30 March 2017

Trying to tell me something, Amy? Flat Tyre!

I think she's telling me that she doesn't want to go anywhere. Hiding in the corner looking all sweetness and light!

In all the time I have had Amy, I have only had to re-inflate the tyres once. Even then I think they weren't really low. Yesterday I took some additional pictures of Amy for a prospective buyer, but noticed that one of her tyres was quite flat.

I got the pump out, expecting that it was just a lack of attention on my part and pumped back up, only to hear a constant pshhhhhhhhhhh........ Can you believe it? A puncture.

So it was the relay unit for the flashers the other day and a puncture now. Niggles!!! Anyway, she's not getting the better of me. Spare wheel on, new inner tube ordered and get that done at the weekend. Cranky old bird!!!

On the flip side, great excuse to take her out for a drive in the sun today, just to see if the spare tyre affected the handling much (it's different to the others, but there was no discernible effect) Went to the pertol station, topped up, drove around town a bit. Nice.... Maybe she can stay... hmmmmm....!!! Things always look different in Spring / Summer.

But no, she's got to go. It wont be practical after no.1 son has passed his test. Still a while to go for that, so no rush, but.......

Edit: New tube ordered, received and fitted within the week!

Sunday 26 March 2017

White Lion as good as ever!

White Lion Antiques near Hartley Witney held classic car breakfast meets from 2012 or so, but stopped year before last. It was always a nice regular visit, so very pleased that the new owners hav started that up again. What marvellous weather too, bright and sunny, it was almost like back to the old days with the field starting to fill up.

I had to make it an early one because of other commitments, so was there around 8.45, left by 10.45, but cars were still arriving in ones and twos when I left. Really good meet, back to it's best - hopefully it will last a while although I hear that the land will eventually be developed.

Of course, Amy had a For Sale sign up, but that's not why I visited, the weather made it, but really nice to get along again and see some old faces.

Just one of the crowd, feeling at home at the White Lion!

Saturday 18 March 2017

One more repair - Flasher unit

In the last couple of photos from the interior, it's noticeable that a red light is permanently showing in the dash. No biggie, just quite amusing timing that the flasher relay just decided to give up the ghost now.

Anyway - replacement relay arrived this morning and swapped over. All flashing working again (they were just static all the way to Brooklands and back, but they still lit up, so it gave other road users a clue at least!)

And YES - I checked that I had re-connected the right way around, it was a straight swap, but had to check.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Amy in print and online

So to be honest, I bought Classic Car Weekly because their roving editor had spotted that Amy was for sale and offered to do one of their "driven" adverts for me. 

He mentioned it might be in this week or next. BUT this was more interesting.

We managed to get into print in a national newspaper.

(OK, that's taking rather a large dab of artistic licence.. but either way .. still a nice round off to the whole experience)

Just listed her on Car and Classic too. :-(

It's like full circle from when I first saw her here.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

ACCC night and 40,000 up!

Very pleasant evening at the ACCC meet at the Royal Oak in Pirbright.

40 mile round trip, which meant the 40,000 miles ticked over as I pulled onto the driveway.

Last one at work?.... Ready to sell now.. ish..!

Stretching out a 2 ½ mile journey to 10 miles is going some, but that's exactly what I did on the drive to work today!! One final photo in the work car park. Look at the size of the Jag compared to Amy!

Brooklands was great at the weekend, despite the weather. Yesterday's little spring drive and the first trip to work since last year also nice after getting Amy out of  her "winter bed".

But with the 40,000 target within 40 miles or so now and having had a few nice drives, ACCC club meet tonight in Pirbright, I am also coming to terms with selling her. I wasn't really ready on Sunday - I had an offer which, with hindsight, was good and from a club member which would keep her in the fold so to speak.

Just wasn't ready to commit. I think I am now..

Maybe one last visit to the renewed White Lion Classic Car meet at the end of the month too??!!!!.... Mar 26th..

Monday 13 March 2017

What a difference a day makes!

There's a song that goes like that isn't there? But come on.. just ONE day earlier for this weather wouldn't have hurt, would it?.. Sheesh...

Lovely day for a lunchtime jaunt though. Only a little 5 mile round trip for no reason whatsoever.

Glorious, this is what it's all about, but having this YESTERDAY would have been perfect.

Oh well!

Sunday 12 March 2017

Brooklands Austin Morris Day 2017 - Other Shots - Group and Cavalcade

Group shot, embedded from source, taken by one of the professional photographers from the members bridge.

And a shot taken by my parents at roughly the same time taken from ground level:

And this was the only shot I have seen anywhere on the internet of me driving around in the Cavalcade. Main subject of the picture is of course the Mini, but at least shows that we did it!

Brooklands Austin Morris Day 2017

Worst weather ever! It was only because this would be my last Brooklands with Amy that I went. It was tipping down pretty much all the way there and the weather report said that was going to continue all day pretty much until early afternoon. But, despite the miserable journey, (not fun doing 50 mph in wet & spray with cars shooting past at 90mph!) it was an uneventful drive.

Had a really good day as it happens though, coincidentally, the only other Somerset attending arrived 2 minute after I did, so we were parked up together, what were the odds?!!

The bad weather meant that the day wasnt as well attended as previous years, no other club members had their cars there, although I briefly saw the guy that I had bought Amy from.

I decided that I should register and take part in the Cavalcade, and after walking around, having a cup of coffee and a chat with my parents, who had decided to come and see me, I was briefed and on the Mercedes Benz World circuit with around 40 other cars, pootling around!
Whilst waiting around for the group shot, I realised I was parked under Concorde and in front of the old Brooklands sign, another photo opp!!

And finally, luck meant that I was in the front row of the group photo on the banking! Cool day all around! Oh and Amy is now officially for sale, except for 60 miles left to do before 40,000 clicks over on the speedo.