Sunday 12 March 2017

Brooklands Austin Morris Day 2017

Worst weather ever! It was only because this would be my last Brooklands with Amy that I went. It was tipping down pretty much all the way there and the weather report said that was going to continue all day pretty much until early afternoon. But, despite the miserable journey, (not fun doing 50 mph in wet & spray with cars shooting past at 90mph!) it was an uneventful drive.

Had a really good day as it happens though, coincidentally, the only other Somerset attending arrived 2 minute after I did, so we were parked up together, what were the odds?!!

The bad weather meant that the day wasnt as well attended as previous years, no other club members had their cars there, although I briefly saw the guy that I had bought Amy from.

I decided that I should register and take part in the Cavalcade, and after walking around, having a cup of coffee and a chat with my parents, who had decided to come and see me, I was briefed and on the Mercedes Benz World circuit with around 40 other cars, pootling around!
Whilst waiting around for the group shot, I realised I was parked under Concorde and in front of the old Brooklands sign, another photo opp!!

And finally, luck meant that I was in the front row of the group photo on the banking! Cool day all around! Oh and Amy is now officially for sale, except for 60 miles left to do before 40,000 clicks over on the speedo.

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