Monday 31 March 2014

My MGB GT on this year's Calendar

Slightly off topic, but this was one of the root causes of me getting the Somerset. This year's March calendar shot on my wall was this MGB GT. Basically like the one I had. Same year. Same colour. Same wheels. Just can't quite tell if it has the same full length, pull back, Webasto sunroof!! But to all intents and purposes its the one that I had back in '89! The engine in the Somerset is the grandaddy of the engine in the MGB, not quite a B-Series.. but near enough!

Saturday 29 March 2014

New versus Old

60 years and half the world between these cars. Both attractive and functional in their own right and in their own times.

Bodge complete!

Amy runs very quietly again with the "Thermosteel" in place. Long may it last ???!!!! Started to harbour a faint hope that maybe just maybe leaving the thermostat out and sticking to maximum of 50mph MIGHT do the trick. Approx 200 miles into the latest head gasket. Still got to adjust the brakes back a touch to stop the pressure build up, but sticking to short journeys for now, so no biggie.

Thursday 27 March 2014


Over the months of owning my Austin A40 Somerset, I have become quite interested in the history aspect, I knew from watching Top Gear (!) that the decline of the British motor industry was a travesty - but as you learn more about Austin for example, and the leading position Britain used to have, it makes it even more saddening. Especcially seeing bloody German Minis driving around marked as Coopers and Countrymans.. Oh well.

But I have begun to collect a few books, partly want to go up to Longbridge sometime in Amy, just to "take her home" Weird.. I know it's weird!!

And I quite like my "new" cufflinks:

Oh dear!!

Sunday 16 March 2014

Wife away, I will play (on the internet...!)

Found a couple of nice things whilst killing time this evening. Wife on hen weekend with friends, so in between entertaining the kids, tinkering with the car, blogging and watching movies I also had a quick search for any more Brooklands pics. Sunday was been a nice relaxing day of pottering, driving and now surfing!! ONLY 4 posts in one day. What am I thinking. THAT bored..

Anyway, quite cool. There's a video of the Austin Morris day at Brooklands that features my Amy quite nicely at the start, including this nice still within the first minute or so.

Brooklands Austin Morris Day 2014 - video, above still captured from this. Copy-write acknowledged to the video owner.

Brooklands Austin Morris Day 2014 - Also the Brooklands Trust Facebook page has a photo album of the day. Just managed to sneak in the background of a couple of shots there too!

Blowing all but fixed .. Bodgits 'r' us!

OK, so wonderful what you can do with a bit of old head gasket!!

Not overly clear, but the front manifold nut fixing is now a separate roughly triangular piece. A crack runs all way from top to bottom around where the pipes flare out. A kind of washer / gasket "thing" made from old head gasket has near enough eliminated the blowing noise. (by all but covering the biggest gap basically)

Sorry so sorry.. but that will do for now. (especially as expecting the head gasket to go any time - so will think about fitting the replacement manifold then!!)

Whistle gone :-) Manifold crack blowing worse :-(

So, partially happy with that outcome. The whistle / whine has gone. For me that is proof positive that was the problem. Vacuum leak(s) enough to cause the noise, not enough to affect the running of the car. So one step forwards.

Upon re-assembly - focusing on seating the inlet manifold, the cracked piece of exhaust manifold is clearly NOT seated as well as it was before. So the blowing is now more noticable! I have traded one noise for another!! But dealing with known factors here.

Although I have a spare manifold, want to just muck about with this one for now. So will try some extreme high temp. weld putty for now.

Then go from there. Fully expecting head gasket to go, so not going to get too carried away yet!

Another lovely day, and by complete coincidence, choosing an odd route home than usual, just happened to drive past the other "local Somerset" going the other way.. Now THAT doesn't happen very often anymore!

Will it / won't it? Manifold gasket versus whistle

So, rather than being lazy and trying to ignore "minor" irritations I replaced the manifold gasket this morning. As of beginning to write this entry I haven't tested / tried yet. Positives and negatives.

Positive - if it fixes the problem then of course vary happy. For two reasons - I fixed the problem (obviously!) and it breaks the correlation between head gasket and the noise.

 Negative - if it doesn't fix the problem then I have an issue elsewhere so the grumps start to return a little. It could still be related to the head gasket. Still hoping not.. Spark plugs seem fine, roughly the right mixture (coffee coloured) So I think that means should be OK so far. Tell tale sign from the plugs.

Back to the manifold, the bolts felt a little ... un-tight when i took it off. Maybe I didn't nip them up enough? But either way, new manifold gasket, bit of "bodge" juice around the inlets. Tightened back up.

Another lovely day, will be going out in her later, but wanted to write this first and write the conclusion after.

Saturday 15 March 2014

A40 Somerset 1954 Old Timer

1954 A40 Somerset - At house built 1906

The whistle is back..!

After the first head gasket change, Amy developed a whistle / whine when coasting down. I put it down to fan belt to start with. It went away after the second head gasket change didn't think anything of it - put it down to some sort of noise coming about as a result of the failing gasket somehow, rather than the fan belt.

Well, after 3rd gasket change (120 miles in) the noise is back. Definitely a toned "whistle" rather than a whine. Definitely on coast down - and more to the point when the throttle flap is closed. So the system is desperately trying to suck air in from somewhere else and any air leaks could cause a toned whistle exactly like that which I am getting.

Whats the common factor this time to the first time? Manifold issues. The first time I had sheared a bolt so I had vaccum leaks. That could cause a whistle. This time I have a cracked exhaust manifold around one of the fixings. So the crack not an issue, but could be causing some tiny leaks on the intake as not quite tight enough. Also reused manifold gaket. It was a bit tatty. So for the sake of £2.00 I'll fit the new one and see if that makes the noise go away! Hope it is NOT a sign of the head gasket going again, BUT still expecting that to be honest.

The nice weather means a lot of laid back weekend driving in Amy though. Despite the whistle, enjoyable and making the most of it!

Sunday 9 March 2014

A40 Somerset @ Brooklands 2014

Quick, type in post, add pictures before something spoils an almost perfect day!! The rush to fit the head gasket AGAIN was to be able to attend the Brooklands Austin/Morris Day on 9th March. First proper event and was keen to make it there.

Armed with phone and breakdown cover phone number, off we set, my son and I. 9.00am Sunday morning. 20 mile trip to Brooklands. Shouldn't be a big deal, right? Only issue I had was that by the time we arrived Amy's brakes were close to being locked on!! Still haven;t bled the system.. really need to do that! I know the limit of my journey length for now, until I do that!!

We got directed just near to the "normal" entrance to park up my Somerset with a few others and a Hereford. Met a few people I knew from the club, plus a Somerset owner who I didn't know, but turned out was only round the corner in Bracknell! Bizarre!!

Son and I arrived just before 10.00am. Was going to try to register for the cavalcade, but I was a little preoccupied with the brake situation, so didn't in the end.

GREAT day!.. A few cups of tea, loads of cars to look at, people looking & chatting about mine, getting to know other owners more too.

Oh and of course, got there absolutely fine, not a hint of engine problems. Ran smooth as anything. Not counting any chickens, that's only around 50-60 miles done since the last head gasket job, but the point being had a great day.

Walked around the remaining piece of the Brooklands circuit, GOT to do that whilst you are there, a slice of history, birthplace of circuit motor racing. The cavalcade was lined up. But to be honest, the best part was with an empty piece of track, imagining the noise and smell back in the day. Marvelously evocative.

Stayed almost to the end, went around Concorde whilst at it. One of the other Somersets gave the hill climb a bash towards the end of the event, which was good too see! Maybe  should have given that a go?..!! Ah whatever, next time, if and when I have a bit more confidence in the car!

Finally, after watching a couple of cars not make it up the hill, the day started to seem a little long and thoughts turned to getting home.

Was a bit pensive about the brakes before leaving, decided that I must try not to brake too much to see if I can avoid them seizing this time, and that's a job that clearly needs to be done if I am going to get any more adventurous about distance.

Anyway, one last photo opportunity before leaving. Had to be done! At last a fun day with no real issues to write about and nothing but good stuff.

(Brakes stayed OK on way home, engine did not show any signs of blowing again, all good .. hopefully for a little while - have said that before!)

That night, unprompted as going to sleep, son shouted out "Thanks Dad, best day out ever"........

Oh yesssssss......... :-)

Friday 7 March 2014

Night Shot

Boring blog, figured I'd take a photo. Parked round the back of the shops whilst picking up Friday night Chinese!!

Boring boring blog...

It's a bit repetetive isn't it?. Head off / head on, thermostat in / thermostat out, running nicely / oh dear!!! It would be nice to break that cycle. But on that note, to try every possibility to avoid "head off" again...

Additional thoughts, I will NOT be putting a thermostat back in. Perhaps coolant flow around the block is not what it could be. With no thermostat there is a gaping hole from the head to the rad through which water can flow. With the thermostat in place (and even fully open) the water flow is quite restricted. Maybe that is why I bought the car with NO thermostat in it in the first place, because perhaps the previous owner had been through all of that already.

So thermostat staying out for good.

Probably will use her even more so as a fair weather car for shows etc.. rather than a daily driver. Still need to try to keep her going regularly, but more as a cherished classic car is normally used. (Shows and weekends etc..)

With  wry smile I am sure an early comment on this blog was something like I may have changed my mind after a winter! From August when I had just got the car and started this blog I stated:

"Today is another nice sunny day, have driven my daughter to her activities, she's still totally excited about the car and loves the fact that she can just lay across the back seat! The enjoyment and excitement of the kids has been enough for me to know I made the right choice, whether it lasts 10 years or 10 weeks there have already been enough positives to confirm that. (I'm interested myself to see what a post in the middle of a freezing winter might say... wait and see....)"

Well the original intention has changed for sure, some of the posts over winter were just depressing at times. But not overly unhappy about the outcome nearly 6 months in, after all I have ended up with a Classic Car, which is what I wanted. Just not quite as planned, but perhaps far more realistic. (as long as Becky keeps going OK, especially as has 108,000 miles on the clock)!!!

I think I'll make it past 10 MONTHs with her.. 10 years?.. We'll see.!!

Thursday 6 March 2014

Running again, again ... again?!!

So, as I have done it a few times now, re-fitting the head is relatively straightforward and can be achieved in an extended lunch hour - which I have done today. (Start work early, finish late - gives a bit of extra time in the middle of the day.) Impatience, plus a perfect day for it.

I had the inclination to take some photographs along the way. I also used the Hylomar red sealing compound across the weak spot. Just in case that helps matters. (cant see that it could HARM? hope not)

So stepped through re-assembly, still have to take care to not get carried away / rush. Easiest to make a slip when you THINK you are sure what you are doing!! But anyway. All back together and she's running again. And new valve stems seals which needed doing anyway.

The new problem of course is blowing exhaust manifold. Ever so slightly - you know it is there. Also had trouble with one of the manifold bolts, but then remembers that one thread is a bit suspect  and needs a spot on bolt in it to catch, and I had managed to get the combination exactly wrong!

But in summary - Amy is running again .. again. How long will it last? Don't know. I have a spare - reinforced gasket that I ordered specially. So depending on how long it lasts / what happens, then I have that in waiting.

(I mentioned impatience . I ordered a NOS gasket that I saw off ebay - that is the one I fitted. The reinforced one that I ordered turned up JUST as I had started the car up!!!) Oh well Only time will tell if that was a mistake or not.

Most importantly - Brooklands at weekend!!! (As long as it lasts that long!)