Thursday 6 March 2014

Running again, again ... again?!!

So, as I have done it a few times now, re-fitting the head is relatively straightforward and can be achieved in an extended lunch hour - which I have done today. (Start work early, finish late - gives a bit of extra time in the middle of the day.) Impatience, plus a perfect day for it.

I had the inclination to take some photographs along the way. I also used the Hylomar red sealing compound across the weak spot. Just in case that helps matters. (cant see that it could HARM? hope not)

So stepped through re-assembly, still have to take care to not get carried away / rush. Easiest to make a slip when you THINK you are sure what you are doing!! But anyway. All back together and she's running again. And new valve stems seals which needed doing anyway.

The new problem of course is blowing exhaust manifold. Ever so slightly - you know it is there. Also had trouble with one of the manifold bolts, but then remembers that one thread is a bit suspect  and needs a spot on bolt in it to catch, and I had managed to get the combination exactly wrong!

But in summary - Amy is running again .. again. How long will it last? Don't know. I have a spare - reinforced gasket that I ordered specially. So depending on how long it lasts / what happens, then I have that in waiting.

(I mentioned impatience . I ordered a NOS gasket that I saw off ebay - that is the one I fitted. The reinforced one that I ordered turned up JUST as I had started the car up!!!) Oh well Only time will tell if that was a mistake or not.

Most importantly - Brooklands at weekend!!! (As long as it lasts that long!)

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