Sunday 9 March 2014

A40 Somerset @ Brooklands 2014

Quick, type in post, add pictures before something spoils an almost perfect day!! The rush to fit the head gasket AGAIN was to be able to attend the Brooklands Austin/Morris Day on 9th March. First proper event and was keen to make it there.

Armed with phone and breakdown cover phone number, off we set, my son and I. 9.00am Sunday morning. 20 mile trip to Brooklands. Shouldn't be a big deal, right? Only issue I had was that by the time we arrived Amy's brakes were close to being locked on!! Still haven;t bled the system.. really need to do that! I know the limit of my journey length for now, until I do that!!

We got directed just near to the "normal" entrance to park up my Somerset with a few others and a Hereford. Met a few people I knew from the club, plus a Somerset owner who I didn't know, but turned out was only round the corner in Bracknell! Bizarre!!

Son and I arrived just before 10.00am. Was going to try to register for the cavalcade, but I was a little preoccupied with the brake situation, so didn't in the end.

GREAT day!.. A few cups of tea, loads of cars to look at, people looking & chatting about mine, getting to know other owners more too.

Oh and of course, got there absolutely fine, not a hint of engine problems. Ran smooth as anything. Not counting any chickens, that's only around 50-60 miles done since the last head gasket job, but the point being had a great day.

Walked around the remaining piece of the Brooklands circuit, GOT to do that whilst you are there, a slice of history, birthplace of circuit motor racing. The cavalcade was lined up. But to be honest, the best part was with an empty piece of track, imagining the noise and smell back in the day. Marvelously evocative.

Stayed almost to the end, went around Concorde whilst at it. One of the other Somersets gave the hill climb a bash towards the end of the event, which was good too see! Maybe  should have given that a go?..!! Ah whatever, next time, if and when I have a bit more confidence in the car!

Finally, after watching a couple of cars not make it up the hill, the day started to seem a little long and thoughts turned to getting home.

Was a bit pensive about the brakes before leaving, decided that I must try not to brake too much to see if I can avoid them seizing this time, and that's a job that clearly needs to be done if I am going to get any more adventurous about distance.

Anyway, one last photo opportunity before leaving. Had to be done! At last a fun day with no real issues to write about and nothing but good stuff.

(Brakes stayed OK on way home, engine did not show any signs of blowing again, all good .. hopefully for a little while - have said that before!)

That night, unprompted as going to sleep, son shouted out "Thanks Dad, best day out ever"........

Oh yesssssss......... :-)

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