Sunday 16 March 2014

Will it / won't it? Manifold gasket versus whistle

So, rather than being lazy and trying to ignore "minor" irritations I replaced the manifold gasket this morning. As of beginning to write this entry I haven't tested / tried yet. Positives and negatives.

Positive - if it fixes the problem then of course vary happy. For two reasons - I fixed the problem (obviously!) and it breaks the correlation between head gasket and the noise.

 Negative - if it doesn't fix the problem then I have an issue elsewhere so the grumps start to return a little. It could still be related to the head gasket. Still hoping not.. Spark plugs seem fine, roughly the right mixture (coffee coloured) So I think that means should be OK so far. Tell tale sign from the plugs.

Back to the manifold, the bolts felt a little ... un-tight when i took it off. Maybe I didn't nip them up enough? But either way, new manifold gasket, bit of "bodge" juice around the inlets. Tightened back up.

Another lovely day, will be going out in her later, but wanted to write this first and write the conclusion after.

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