Sunday 5 October 2014

From the Driving Seat (!)

The title of the post is a nod to the editorial intro of the County Counsel bi-monthly magazine of the Austin Counties Car Club! This post is just to mention another "original", pre-existing issue fixed at long last. Only took over a year to get around to it!

The indicator switch / horn have always been off at an angle since I got her. Probably noticeable in some pictures. Most annoyingly the Austin crest has therefore also always been wrong.

Now to be fair, my dad had said he remembered it being very simple to adjust. Undo the nut at the other end of the steering column, where the wires come out below the actual steering box, turn the indicator switch/ horn to where it should be and re-tighten. Just seemed TOO simple, couldn't understand, if it was that simple, why it was left at an angle!! The service manual didn't mention a thing either so upshot is that I never tried. Until now.. Anyway - it WAS that simple! View from the (Nissan) driving seat is all looking ship shape in side now!

Just need those seats back and fitted in and Amy is something to be proud of inside and out. Not concours by any stretch of the imagination. But a pretty fine example!
Oh and also need to get used to the "new" indicator position. Test drove the temporary seat today too but hands strayed to the wrong place when indicating!! Was fine by the end of the drive though. Skyline seat is VERY comfortable, and reclines too.. Might keep it ... NOT...!!

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