Saturday 11 October 2014

Seats still in progress - temporary pointless?

Had an update phone call today to confirm costs for doing my seats. The plan is to fit the two base covers (which is done already!!) and new covers for the backs to match as close as possible, which should be just a few weeks.

Anyway, total cost is more than I had planned for of course - but still manageable and total cost including the initial outlay for the covers is still considerably less than the £1000 that a local trimmers had quoted for redoing them from scratch.

So happy enough with that and it did mean I was able to spread the cost, covers first - fitting second.

And I will have a pair of original seat base covers to sell!

Not sure who I listened to about the October weather, but looks to be the OPPOSITE of September. Lots of rain, few driving opportunities. Fitting temporary seat looking more like a waste of time as the days go by!! But at least I have the CHOICE and it only cost me a tenner and a morning. So shan't complain, it stops me wondering too much about how long the original seats may take, in case it still takes a while.

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