Friday 3 October 2014

Impatience gets the better of me again

Not even a week has gone by. Weather reports that most of October should continue to be nice. Already unhappy about the idea of not being able to drive Amy anywhere during this time. I might laugh at myself, because this might not work but I have bought a car seat from ebay! Three criteria: just one seat, it had to be local and it had to be cheap! I will be picking up a seat I got from eBay this evening. Just around the corner from Reading. £10! It's from a Nissan Skyline of all cars. My son's absolute favourite dream car. He wants it afterwards!

No idea if it will fit. Plan to static fit it with help of some wood, similar to the way the old seats are fitted (non standard and raised for a previous owner I presume, but hoping to apply similar principle). Except that it wont move.

Bolt the seat to some wood. Bolt the wood to the car. Simples!!  We'll see. Next post will confirm, or deny it that is even workable!

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